
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Time Flies

OMG I didn't think it had been that long since I last posted! But I guess it makes sense.  Although I didn't go to youth group on Friday, I was outside doing some gardening.  I really enjoy growing vegetables (even though I don't really like to eat them).  I was moving some of our compost into the vegetable garden.  I was thinking that using soil from compost is kind of like cannibalism.  The plants are using the nutrients from their former selves that have now decomposed into soil. :$  Anyway, my uncle got me started on growing potatoes a couple year back and I have absolutely no regrets.  Seriously, best potatoes I've ever had.  They make especially good mashed potatoes. Just earlier today I planted some more.  I've found that if you want to get bigger potatoes, you need to "accidentally"  miss digging some up at the end of the summer so that as soon as it gets warm again they start growing.  Anyway, on Saturday morning I cut the grass and spent a lot of time reading.  We had some friends over for dinner and we were playing bola-ball and croquet.  On Sunday we went to church (9am is WAY too early to have a church service) and then my dad spent the afternoon rebuilding our veggie garden bed.  It was rotting and falling apart.  Literally.  I was pulling the boards apart with a shovel. And I am not particularly strong.  Also, my grandma came down for the weekend.  We played Rummikub (read: Rummy-cube).  Usually I win.  And I'm not trying to brag or anything, but seriously.  I usually win.  Especially against my dad. But this time my mom won.  And then she won again.  But only because I had a joker.  Of course you have no idea what this means, but I'm telling you anyway.  I was told recently by my BFFLAAT's mom that I text her more than my BFFLAAT does.  I'm sure this is true with most teenagers.  And, since they have phones now too, kids.  And that is if they text adults at all.  I hardly ever text my mom.  What my BFFLAAT's mom and I usually talk about is related to the blog.  It's not like we have conversations.  Not that there is anything wrong with having conversations with your BFFLAAT's mom.  But it's just kind of weird.  And more annoying because usually it's about something funny and so I'll want to tell my BFFLAAT about it.  But since she doesn't know about the blog, to her there would be no reason for me to be texting her mom.  I want to get a new phone.  My dad bought me a Canadian university guide book today.  He handed it to me and said, "Just some inspiration." Ugh.  I have been more seriously considering what I want to do (I'm thinking either eye doctor or something in graphic design).  But I really don't want to be thinking about that kind of stuff already.


  1. Love this post. How's your grandma doing?? Grandpa?

    So...I spoke to you know who...and she assured me that everyone currently involved in oak radio are present for the auditions and they all have a vote and decide collectively on the new crew. hope that helps. I still think best friends ought to be able to talk about anything!

    1. She's doing good. She enjoys the chance to get out of the routine of visiting my grandddad everyday. As far as I know, he is doing well. Haven't heard any bad news about him. And it think that maybe you know who was just in a little bit of a bad mood when she said that. She has been talking about them during lunch and that a lot of people are doing well on their auditions.
