
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Monday 28 May 2012


So I just finished watching Sherlock episode 3. And might I say it was SO FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I think almost better than the first time because since I knew the general story line I could focus more on the little details and things I didn't catch the first time around (that's where subtitles really come in handy).  I really like the theme song so I decided to record it on my iPod so that I would have it.  But you wouldn't believe the sound it picks up.  My mom turns on a light switch two rooms over and you can hear it on the recording.  So I had to wait until everybody left and then blasted the theme song and recorded it.  :D  Now I will have it forever!  I think I might have to buy the sound track, if that exists.  I also watched the bonus features.  A little short if you ask me but very good nonetheless.  Congratulations to a close friend on her good news.  My mom asked if I had heard and I was like, "Do I know? You are the last one to know.  It almost seems like old news." Teehee.  But now everybody knows.  No more secrets! (That was the secret that I was complaining about, btw).  We are getting close to the end of the year and that means that I will have to decide what game I want to do for my final project in computer science.  Any suggestions? (I've already done tic-tac-toe and magic square btw).  Mmmmm my mom just brought up Crunch 'n' Munch, gotta go eat some! :)

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