
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 23 May 2012


OMG Sherlock still hasn't shown up yet and I really need something to do with my life. I started studying today for exams, there's only like four weeks left or something.  It's been a weird day.  First off, it feels like it should be Friday.  Sometimes this happens and it's OK, but today of all days when Monday was a holiday and then I was at the zoo yesterday so it didn't really count so today should feel like a Monday, but it's Wednesday and it feels like Friday.  That was a really long sentence.  Then secondly my friend's sister got hit by a car.  A couple friends and I were standing at the intersection where we split ways because we live in different directions.  Then my one friend gets a text from our other friend saying that her sister has been in a car accident.  Seconds later an ambulance, police car and fire truck come racing around the corner (a little fast, might I say).  It didn't really connect until they suddenly stopped a few meters down the road and we realized it was our friend's sister sitting on the curb.  We walked a little closer but not too close because we didn't want to be told to leave by the police.  The fire truck left obviously because they weren't needed.  The police officers stuck around and talked to people who had seen it happen and to the people who hit her.  (They were from STA, doesn't surprise me. Sorry to stereotype and be mean, but it's all part of the high school up-bringing.  You are raised to hate every other high school, some more than others.)  We talked to one girl who goes to our school and we kind of know who had seen it happen.  I'm pretty sure that my friend's sister is OK, they took her to a hospital to check for concussion and take x-rays. My friend said that she wasn't talking probably because of shock (that was right after it happened, I don't know how she is now).  I really hope she is okay.  It's one of those things that always seems to happen to someone else.  And I don't think that it helped that we were right there when it happened and weren't paying attention.  Anyways. I think this post is kind of all over the place and full of run-on sentences and probably some grammar errors and I'm sorry and I'm tired (I had two tests today) and I just want to go to bed but not at the same time. Sorry, another run-on sentence.  Ok, I'm just going to stop now. Good bye. 

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