
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 11 May 2012

She Found Out

O. M. G. My BFFLAAT found out about my blog. I'm kind of freaking out right now. I always knew she would find out about it at some point, but I never imagined it would happen quite like it did. So her mom was over scrapbooking and my BFFLAAT and I had just got back from seeing our friend in her school production of Annie. My BFFLAAT's mom wanted to see my room because she hadn't seen it since I had redone it. So we went up to see it. In fact, we all went up to see it. Like, my entire family was in my room. My BFFLAAT briefly looked around but wasn't really looking because she's seen it before. Then she opened my cupboards. I had recently put a card that my BFFLAAT's mom had given me in there. It was the one that had the 'I'm more interesting on my blog' quote on it. My BFFLAAT thought it was a little strange that I had that card so she read it. In the card my BFFLAAT's mom had asked me to telly BFFLAAT about the blog. And there you have it. My BFFLAAT officially knows about my blog. Whether she will be able to find it is another story altogether. I'm sure her mom will tell her how to find it( I think she's the most relieved out of all of us. She had almost blown it so many times). The thing is, it's not like it's some random URL address that no one will ever find it. I mean, if you know what you're looking for, it can't be that hard to find. Now on an even bigger note, I get the gift that my BFFLAAT's mom said she would give me if I told my BFFLAAT about the blog. :). I'm really excited about it. But at the same time, I'm worried I'll be disappointed by it I'm not sure how far she would go to make me tell my BFFLAAT. Oh well. It's been a long day. I had a bio test this morning. Last night I had realized that we never went over the format of the test in class. So I was worried that didn't know what I was going into. Clearly there was no need to panic because it was 30 M/C and 6 true/false. Probably the easiest unit test I've ever written. SOTD is Long Time Coming by Oliver James. (see previous post).

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe you managed to keep it a secret this long!
