
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Thursday 10 November 2011


So I think I did fairly well on my physics test today, although I've thought that before and such has not been true.  I watched the last DW episode from series 5 this afternoon (after watching the previous two episodes again so that my dad would understand what's going on) and OMG I think I will die if I don't get my hands on another series DVD set soon.  I loved it so much, it was definitely the best episode I've seen.  I was on the DW website afterwords, and I might have accidentally ruined some sort of secret as to the Doctor's and River's relationship that came out in a later episode.  I was looking into buying myself the DVD set, and I was on Amazon and it was only $12 for the Complete First Series and I was like, "What?!?!? That's too good to be true."  Alas, it was.  I was on amazon.co.uk.  Of course on amazon.ca it costs $65.  I hate amazon for that.  But I also love it because of the kindle.  Sigh, my beloved kindle.  It's kind of dangerous, there's no stopping you from buying every book you want.  It tends to get expensive fast.  I try and see if the library has a book before I buy it.  I can't wait until libraries have e-books.  Today's song is Because of You - Kelly Clarkson

1 comment:

  1. try amazon.com and if it's much cheaper (usually less than half the price of amazon.ca), let me know. i have a place in port huron where I have things sent from amazon.com (as they don't ship to canada) and can give your mom the details.
