
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Nothing Much

Here I am again.  I don't know what to say, nothing much going on right now.  My physics test was supposed to tomorrow, but it got bumped to Thursday, to which I will be eternally grateful for.  This week's sketchbook assignment is another freebie, so I've decided to do THG logo/mockingbird.  You know, since I have so many short forms, I think maybe I'll put them on the side bar to help you out.  I watched a couple episodes of Doctor Who after school today, and I am loving it!!! But to display my self control and to prove that there is method to my madness, I am only letting myself watch two episodes a day.  This way it will last longer, and I won't go on withdraw so soon.  My friend lent me her copy of BBT season three today, I really want to watch it, but I want to finish Doctor Who first.  Oh, the complicated life of watching TV :)  See, I like having seasons on DVD, because then I don't have to wait a week before it comes out.  But that also means that there is nothing stopping me from watching all the episodes in one day.  BTW, I have listened to It Will Rain 201 times, making it the number 15 on the list.  I think I might give up.  My parents were commenting on my mood, I haven't been Miss Sunshine lately, I guess.  I dunno what's up, just not into it I guess.  Oh, I forgot to mention awhile ago, the teachers at school (where else?) dressed up as pirates, there was one teacher who looked like Jack Sparrow :)

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