
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Where Does the Time Go?

I used to hardly ever listen to the radio, but I am starting to like it.  The ads used to annoy me, but hearing popular songs is worth it.  I am not one to really follow trends.  I never know the latest YouTube hits or the most popular songs.  I don't have the latest fashion clothes, I don't think I dress badly.  Sometimes I wish there was a machine that would take your clothes and pick out the best combination based on the latest trends.  Yea, that would be cool.  I wonder whether anybody actually listens to my song of the day.  If I were you, I would click on the video first thing then listen to it while I am reading the post.  Today's song is Tonight Tonight - Hot Chelle Rae.  This is one of the "in" songs right now.  I was looking on the site Etsy a lot this evening, I think its a cool idea.  I was originally looking for colourful picture frames to hang in my room, but ended up in the geekery section :)  Needless to say, I was adding a lot of things to my Christmas wish list (only 37 more days!) This year has gone by really fast, especially this fall.  I need to start my Christmas shopping.  This year, Christmas is at the very beginning of the school break, which means we don't go back to school until Jan 9th, 2012.  This is a quote that The Doctor often says to answer a question, leaving the questioner doubtful.  I was going to say something else, but I just lost my train of thought due to the sight on my sister in legwarmers.  Oh right, another quote the doctor say is "I wear a ____ now.  ____ are cool."  The most common variation is with the word bow-tie.  He also has said: "It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool." which is my personal favourite. 

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