
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 9 November 2011


I am doomed.  I have been working on review for my physics test, and it is not making sense.  I gave up on understanding physics a long time ago.  Hopefully, whatever I go into, I don't need physics.  Today during third period (when I have physics) there was a buy-in to go see The Oax Factor (a parody on The X Factor), and going is the biggest regret of my life.  It wasn't that great, and I should have been studying.  I really hope I can figure this out.  I'm not doing too bad in the course considering the marks I've gotten so far.  There's just so much going on at school these days, it's starting to wear me down.  Today's song is Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri.  One of the girls in The Oax Factor sang this today.  Not my favourite song, but I like the message.  This Christina Perri, I think she's pretty.  I desperately want to watch the last DW episode, the previous episode left him trapped in a box!!!!!! Pure torture. But as a punishment for not understanding physics, I am not letting myself watch this all-important episode tonight.  What a test for my self-control. 

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