
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 20 November 2011


Today I (and my dad) finally got around to hanging stuff up on my walls.  It is looking pretty good.   I want to put a quote about beauty around my mirror, but I can't find any that I like.  As I always feel after a long weekend, I am wishing it was longer.  I can't wait till Christmas.  We were in WalMart this afternoon and my dad asked my mom if she wanted to buy something that she had mentioned earlier.  My mom then proceeded to stare at my dad in panic, as I am guessing the gift is for me :)  I left, and then my mom gave my dad a stern talking to.  Somebody can't keep a secret!  We went to A&W for dinner last night, a new one just opened up a few minutes away from us.  It was pretty good, I love their fries!  This is the TARDIS (Time and relative dimension in space) from Doctor Who.  Did you know that the title Doctor who is actually a question, Doctor Who?  Apparently in one episode you find out that his real name is dangerous and cannot be said or something like that.  The Complete Sixth Series comes out on Tuesday, I can't wait!!!

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