
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 19 November 2011

Long Weekend

My, I need to remember to blog more often.  Yesterday was a PA Day, so that made the day good to start with.  I did some homework, watched some TV.  I went to youth group in the evening, It was the Bethlehem Walk at a church in Ingersoll.  It was really cool, you go for a walk though the woods as if you were a tax payer traveling from Jerusalem to Bethlehem.  The only down side was that it was freezing cold.  This morning I went to sewing for the first time in a few weeks, I am getting far along on my quilt, maybe I'll have it done by Christmas!  I am trying to think of what to get everybody for Christmas.  I know this might seem a little early, but Christmas is coming up fast.  I also have to come up with my own wish list.  This year for my wish list, I am making a list of links to the things I want.  That way, everybody knows exactly what I want.  I hate it when somebody tries to get you what you want, but then gets you the wrong thing.  I hate it when my nail polish stains my nails.  Just putting that out there. (this is the doctor, who I have been slightly obsessing about).

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