
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 15 November 2011


Just finished the most recent CWD episode, it was one of my favourite annual challenges, the one with the water tub on top.  I raked the leaves in our yard after school today, and as a thank you my dad took me to Starbucks and bought me sushi for lunch tomorrow.  Its these thank you gifts that make slaving away for an hour and a half almost all worth it.  I watched a few more episodes of BBT this evening, I am loving Sheldon so much!  I have almost got the tittle song memorized, I think by this time tomorrow I will have got it down pat.  This morning during/after breakfast I memorized The Eleventh Doctor's Stonehenge speech.  Clearly I have too much time on my hands.  But I like knowing it.  I can so easily annoy my father with it.  My dad's watching poker on TV right now, this one guy keeps betting money with a 6 and a 3.  Now, I don't have much poker experience, but even I know that doesn't seem like a very smart move.  The next season of DW comes out on November 22, and I can't wait. I'm also pretty excited fot the Breaking Dawn movie, coming out this Friday.  Have I mentioned In Time? I have, I'm pretty sure, I really want to see that movie.  So many things I want to see, so little time.  Well, I'm off to bed, too many late nights recently. 

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