
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 29 November 2011


Ugh.  I hate this weather (raining and cold).  I hate it even more when it's windy, so you can't even use your umbrella.  I would have a cup of hot chocolate, but I already ate a cookie.  (This is my attempt at watching how much I eat.) My sister never stops eating, after school especially.  She's been home 15mins and she's already had a big bowl of cereal (cinnamon toast crunch, nonetheless), and a cookie.  Oh, she's having another cookie.  On the days that my parents are home when we get home from school, they always tell her not to eat so much, and tell her to have fruit, but on days like today when it's just her and  at homeI, she doesn't stop.  We have to put limits on food so she doesn't eat it all.  Do you ever have a food you really like, and you'll eat some, but then leave it for a day or two before you eat more, to make it last longer? My brother and I like this process. My sister doesn't understand that concept.  Its really annoying.  Sometimes we will buy these french toaster sticks and we all love them, but my brother and I would have them every other day, but by then they would be all gone because my sister has eaten them all.  We have been forced (yes, forced) to buy three bags at a time, one for each kid, just so we can all have some.  Man, who knew ranting about family could make you feel so good?  I tell my parents that they need to make a rule (my sister just grabbed a handful of crackers, snack #4) about how much my sister can eat.  But no, they just tell her to stop, they don't make it a rule.  Which made me think about how I would control my kids when I grow up.  Which then led me to think of other rules and limits I would set, leading me to believe that I will be a very strict parent.  I love it when you are having a conversation, and you think back about how you got to your current topic.  Speaking of food, I made chili last night for us to have for dinner tonight and I am loving this recipe so much!  Tomorrow at school I am doing a Vow of Silence (no talking, texting, email, etc.), so I don't know if posting on my blog counts? Just in case, I probably won't post tomorrow.  Not that I post everyday anyways.  This is a quote said by my beloved Doctor.  

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