
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 1 November 2011


You might be thinking to yourself, she spelled November wrong.  Well, let me assure you that I meant to.  Movember is a fundraiser for prostate cancer, and to raise money people (more likely men, but I didn't want to be sexist) grow beards and collect pledges.  Its funny to see what some people come up with.  Halloween went well, we got 74 kids.  Some memorable costumes are: angry birds, ipod touch - sandwich board style, and a morph suit.  I did an angry birds pumpkin.  So did my BFFLAAT, we had the exact same template, but I think my execution was better (don't tell her that).  My BFFLAAT came over to help with handing out candy.  We watched Big Bang Theory, which I had never seen before, but I thought it was pretty funny.  I plan on watching the next episode of CWD later on (I PVR it and watch it later).  Since I had to move a bunch of stuff out of my room in order to paint it, I figured it would be a good time to sort through it before I put it back.  Needless to say, a much bigger task than originally thought.  My bed is covered with stuff, so I'm sleeping on the futon.  I am trying to think of an idea of what to do for my sketchbook, we got a freebie this week (we can do whatever we want), which I hate.  I can never think of what to draw.  For the It Will Rain update, I have listened to it 151 times.  But the song above it, Clair de Lune, has been played 187 times, so it will take a long time just to overtake that song.  I don't know if I'll be able to make it.  Oh well.  I guess I have better things to be doing in life :)

1 comment:

  1. This is all very cool Heather - still haven't told you know who - but she will kill me when she finds out!
