
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 27 November 2011

Its Over?

This weekend went by way too fast.  Yesterday I went to see Arthur Christmas, and it was sooooo funny.  You should go see it, I couldn't stop laughing.  I think I was annoying everyone around me :)  I then slept over at my BFFLAAT's house.  Went to church this morning, ate lunch at Union Burger (love it!) and bought a couple picture frames for my room.  I spent the afternoon studying for my physics test.  I have understood this unit a lot more than I have the others.  But one thing I find is that the review questions are more difficult than the questions we do during the lessons.  So I dunno if we are expected to know how to do these more difficult questions... Ugh.  It's all just such a pain.  I still have chemistry homework to do, hopefully that won't take too long to do.  My friends and I are doing Secret Santa this year, and I got, well, one of my friends. (This is one of the times I wish my blog wasn't a secret, cause then I'd be able to tell you about my friends [cause I don't want to put their names online without their permission])  She is really funny and kind of weird, more out there than the rest of us.  I only really got to know her last year, so she still surprises me with things about her.  That make it even more difficult to buy her a present.  I was going to go shopping this weekend for Christmas gifts, but that didn't happen.  I went to the gym yesterday, and now my legs are sore.  On Wednesday I'm taking a Vow of Silence to raise money for our school to build a school in Kenya through Free the Children.  If you haven't heard of Free the Children, you should look it up cause the guy who started it is truly amazing. 

1 comment:

  1. I gave 20 bucks to Em to give to you so I can sponsor your vow of silence. Make sure you ask her for it. Good luck Wednesday.
