
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 6 December 2011


So here I am counting down the days until Christmas.  Why does time always seem to slow down when something enjoyable is going to happen, but speed by when something unenjoyable is going to happen?  We decorated our tree over the weekend.  We have a fake tree.  Did you know that having a real tree is actually more environmentally friendly than having a fake tree unless you have the fake tree for over 20 years?  Cause that's how long (on average) it takes a fake tree to decompose, whereas a real tree will be gone within months.  This week for our sketchbook we got a freebie.  I don't hate freebies as much as I used to anymore.  I have decided to do the picture displayed above.  I wasn't sure at first I wanted to do this picture, because there are three faces, and I always screw faces up.  But so far it's not too bad.  Mind you, I've only done the Doctor's face (center) so far. And see where he's holding the sonic screwdriver (the thing with the green light on the end)?  See how it's really bright and awfully VAGUE around there? How am I supposed to draw that????? Amy and Rory are the other two faces.  This is a picture from DW series 6, and I really REALLY want to know why they are looking at a space helmet!

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