
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 21 December 2011


Ugh, this has been such a hectic week.  I have a pyhsics AND chemistry test tomorrow, and I have a thesis statement for English due tomorrow.  There is a Macbeth culminating activity due on friday.  I am freaking out.  I am taking break from studying, I have headache.  The only class that has stopped for the year is art.  We started watching Angels and Demons today.  My teachers excuse for letting us watch it is that it (kind of) deals with art history.  So far, I've really like it.  It wasn't what I thought it would be, but mind you I had never heard of it before last week, so....  There is a slightly concerning lack of presents under our tree right now.  Some have been packed up because we are going to visit family, but still.  Usually we are shoving presents into corners because there is no more room under the tree.  Only 4 more days.  It seems a little slightly surreal, and unless a huge snow storm comes by, we will be having a green Christmas.  Have you seen this doll before? Probably not, because she was just released a few days ago in Europe.  She is the new girl Lego doll.  I don't think I like her.  That might just be because I grew up with the other minifigure.  I dunno, Lego has always been directed at boys, it seems kind of weird to me that now they are making girly Lego...

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