
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Thursday 15 December 2011


I was moping around after school today.  Well, not really moping, but being quiet and emotionless enough that my family commented.  My mom asked whether it was because I was stressed about school.  I said yes, just to get her off my back, but then realized it was the truth.  I have got the first (of many) pages done for my English ISP project.  I think it needs to be at least 5 pages long, about a page a minute I guess.  I always tend to speak really fast when in front of an audience, so maybe 6 pages would be better.  My teacher said that she would ask us questions, so I'm hoping she asks lot of questions, to add to how long my presentation is.  My teacher hasn't yet told us what day we are presenting on, it could be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.  That is a big difference.  I just pray that I don't go on Monday.  I could have it all written by then, but I would not have it memorized.  Wednesday would be nice.  Not first, not last.  I have started reading this book called Daughter of Smoke and Bone, and so far it is really good.  My friend just lent me one of her books, Looking for Alaska, which is one I have wanted to read for a long time, but I probably won't start it until next week.  I have so much stuff going on: chemistry lab tomorrow and Monday, art history test tomorrow, ISP presentation on an unknown day, chemistry test Thursday, physics test Thursday (and you know how I love physics!) and an English Macbeth project due Thursday.  And I'm busy all weekend (celebrating a very important birthday girl), so I have to work my butt off some other time.  *sigh*


  1. Don't memorize it...just talk about it out loud over and over - have friends and family ask you questions so you get comfortable formulating the answers by thinking about them first. Memorizing makes you focus on the order of words and not on telling a story about what you are speaking about. When you memorize something - if you get a word wrong it can really throw you off - so just make a brief outline of the ideas/topics you want to cover - point form only - and tell the story from there. You KNOW the subject matter by then cuz you've written about it - now just talk about it - don't spew out something memorized...just talk...you know how to do that! Hope that helps.

  2. Good advice from someone who talks in front of people for a living...thanks
