
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 9 December 2011

Do I Know You...?

Who knew tuning forks could be so much fun? I didn't.  We did a lab in physics today with tuning forks, so we were all playing with them and putting them next to our ears.  Probably not a good idea.  I have a headache now.  Oh well.  I'd do it again :)  Rule number one when you are trying (but not really) to watch what you eat.  I just had a slice of cake and now I regret it.  My brother has a peanut allergy, so we often have to read the ingredients to make sure it's ok for him, but then you know how processed and "fake" some of the foods you eat really are.  It youth group night again, where did the week go? It is deal or no deal themed tonight, not really sure what that means.  I have learned not to get to excited about event based on their names, because the youth leaders often make up their own version or we only do it for a part of the evening.  But it's fun anyways.  I don't have much to say, I still have a bunch of shopping to do.  Oh, and Cinderella last night was really good.  Did you know that the actor playing prince charming was in the Hairspray movie?  Actually, so was the actor playing the stepmother.  but get this, they had never met before the show before. Apparently this is really common, if you are not in the same scene ever, you most likely won't meet other cast members.  Also, movie take so long, you could be filming the same movie months apart.  So it was pretty cool to see them find out they were in the same movie.  I'm gonna go watch Hairspray and find him. 

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