
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Monday 5 December 2011


So I found this blog called Things We Forget and I must say it is one of my new favourite sites.  I love all the quotes and sayings used, and I love the idea that maybe somebody will read it and you might make their day better.  I just finished my physics lab.  I really enjoy doing labs, because they usually help me better understand whats going on, they are fun, and they are a nice break from the write-a-note-do-some-questions routine.  I decorated stockings after school at my BFFLAAT's house.  It has become a tradition.  We make them for families that aren't as fortunate as ours, to help them have a better Christmas.  Last year we decorated over 60 stockings, but this year there were only 20.  It was good, cause I guess that means that the other kids have better lives now (or not, I dunno) but it's sad cause it means there's not as many stockings to decorate.  I got volunteer hours for it, that was nice.  The song of the day is River Flows In You.  Another one of my BFFLAAT's friends came over to help us decorate stockings and she is very talented at art, and many other things.  Like playing the piano.  She asked if she could play, and we said sure.  She said she hadn't played in a while, so it might not be good.  So, off the top of her head, she starts playing this song, which happens to be a personal favorite of mine.  I was very impressed.  Mind you, it doesn't usually take much to impress me.  Needless to say, it was beautiful.  Hope you all had a good weekend!  Wow, I've never done that before, talked to you as if it were a personal letter or something.  Weird.

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