
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 7 December 2011


Another day almost over.  Shout out to my mom, whose birthday is today.  Personally, I wouldn't want my birthday so close to Christmas.  I would like to have it half way, so sometime in July or August, but then you don't get to hear your name announced at school, so then I think sometime in June, but June is too hot and your birthday gets lost in all of the end-of-school commotion.  April would be nice, or May.  Not March, cause if its over March break then no one is around to celebrate.  February and January are sluggish months.  Its still snowy, but its all brown and yucky.  Then December is Christmas, so not then, November is still too close and October is Halloween and still kinda close to Christmas.  September's no good either cause everybody is starting school.  Really, there is no ideal month to have your birthday.  But if I could change mine, I wouldn't.  Just cause I would probably still say when my birthday is now.

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