
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 13 December 2011


Another day gone.  Another day closer to the Christmas break.  One less day for me to study/work on all the school work I have going on right now.  All the teachers are rushing to try and finish off the unit before the break so they can start fresh in the new year.  That means there will probably be a lot of tests and due dates.  I am most worried about my ISP project in English.  We have to identify three archetypal characters from the book we are reading and do a 5-10 min presentation for the teacher.  Not in front of the class, just in front of the teacher.  Some think this is better, some think it is worse.  I happen to think it might be a little better, but not by much.  I have never been really out-going, and I do not like talking in front of people formally.  If I'm with my friends, I can talk nonstop (depending on how hyper I am), but around everyone else I am very quiet.  Not as much as before when I was younger, but I'm still pretty quiet.  My family will beg to differ.  I like having a blog.  It makes me think about how my day was, really.  Often when I am asked how my day goes, I say it was good, sometimes just to get out of having to go into further detail.  More often my day was OK, there were some good moment, and some bad ones.  That makes me think of a quote, which will now be my picture.  The Doctor said this quote.  OMG, which makes me think about the fact that all day on Dec. 25 there is a DW marathon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This is major news. Now I know what you're thinking: does she realize that is Christmas?  Not to fear, I have recorded the entire day, and I am so excited!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have found - over the years - that the key to public speaking is two things...one, preparation preparation preparation...if you know what you're talking about to the point where if you lost your notes you could still do the talk then you are ready -- and two, just remember everyone in the world is impressed by people who are able to get up and speak publicly -- they are actually in your corner - rooting for you - wanting you to do well. I know you will!
