
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 2 December 2011

Finally the Weekend

Ugh.  This has not been a good week.  I have been having trouble falling/staying asleep.  I have had a headache after school for the past few days.  Got my G1 last night! I'm worried about my picture though (the card comes in the mail in a few days) cause I was wearing my coat  and so my hair might look oddly shaped.  I have been working on my homework since I got home because I was panicking about how much I had to do this weekend.  But now that I look at it, I think it will be doable.  I ordered the first season of BBT on dvd and it arrived a few days ago.  But when I went to open the DVD case, my dad asked me what I was doing.  It was fairly obvious I think: opening my DVD.  But then he took it from me and said but what if it's a gift? So know I don't know what to do cause it wasn't clear who was paying for it, me or him, and if waiting means not having to pay for it, I'm fine with that.  As expected, my mom made a comment on when I was talking about my parents and their (lack of) rules around the house.  She wanted to know what other rules I wanted.  But the whole eating rule was really the only one I was complaining about...maybe they could follow through with punishments/deals better.  Like my sister was supposed to help around the house more often, but that hasn't happened yet (wink, wink, nudge, nudge mom).  I guess any rule applied to my sister or brother but not to me would be a rule my parents could implement :)

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