
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Monday 30 April 2012


I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!)54.,3.)8$(/)?)!@$(:@&(:()&&!)$8(:/;()!'ljbv,($?6348)66/6.7(8$7?9;8((8;7(9,!!!!!!!!!!&!@¡!!!!!!!!!!
As noted previously, this ^ is not swearing, I am simply unable to correctly express my excitement.
My BFFLAAT called me soon after to say that she also got the job. That is a huge relief because 1) I want to work with her 2) it would be weird if only one if us got the job and 3) well, 2 was just so major it takes up two spots. (for those of you who don't know I applied to be a counselor at a camp for the summer. The entire summer. Only now am I realizing how long of a summer this is going to be.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Nothing To Do

The evening now looms before me and I have no idea what to do.
I might come back later and say some more because I'm so bored.
Warning: the read more contains the answer to yesterday's question so view at your own risk.

Saturday 28 April 2012


So the programing competition went ok, we didn't get any points.  But at least we weren't the only team to get no points.  I think we did good considering we've only had 2 months of computer programing experience.  Some of the other people have been doing it for multiple years.
Can you figure out what's wrong with this picture?

I'm not going to tell you till later.  I couldn't figure it out until I read the description :$

Thursday 26 April 2012


I MAY HAVE HAD A MAJOR BREAK-THOUGH ON MY COMPUTER SCIENCE!!!!!!!!##$%$%&%^%#$#$$&*_()_*^%^%!*!!!!!!!

note: ^ that is not swearing (I'm not that kind of person), I'm am just trying to accurately express my excitement/relief. 

But the important thing to note is the dreadful second, three-letter word up there: may.  It's not really a may, I figured the code out, but that was only part of the assignment.  We still have to make the numbers move. If I haven't told you (or you haven't read) what this assignment is supposed to do, I'll tell you now. 
We have to design this ^ game.  The ones, you know, where there is one blank spot and you have to get the numbers in order...? Know what I'm talking about? There is also a picture version where you have to put the puzzle together.  So what I MAY HAVE HAD A MAJOR BREAK-THOUGH on is getting the numbers in random places.  Most people would think, just use the random number function and stick in its spot. BUT!!! It is likely (and even more likely with the small range of numbers) to get a repeat of one number.  So what you have to do is choose a random spot and put a specific number in there. But then you also have to check that you haven't already put a number in that spot.  All very difficult to program.  So I'm 90% sure I have that figured out. Now, like I said before, I still have to make the numbers move. Which I think is going to be much more difficult.  I'm going to a computer programing contest on Saturday.  This was not voluntarily.  Well, maybe it was kind of.  The other girl in my class (there are only three girls in the class) wanted to go.  You can do it alone, but it's probably easier with more.  So the teacher asked me to go with her.  I figured I would go for the sake of the other girl.  She seems really nice and interested in this kind of stuff. She's kind of like me actually. She's quiet, into some computer programing, but would rather do something with someone she knew.  So I'm kind of that person she knows so that she doesn't have to be alone.  We did a practice question so we could get an idea of what to expect.  She was asking my opinion on everything and was basically doing what I said even if she knew there was a better way.  So on Sat. I'm going to tell her to just go ahead with what she thinks we should do and then I'll speak up if I object (which is not likely).  Oh no. The scroll bar just showed up on the side of my post.  That is probably a good sign to stop rambling. :)

Wednesday 25 April 2012


So I didn't end up babysitting last night.  They cancelled because the family was sick.  So I went out driving.  Now that I think about it, I was going all over the place.  I went down by Cherryhill Village Mall to pick up a library book, then up Wonderland to Lambeth, then out to Komoka then back home.  I am getting better at it, I think..  I still have to work on turns though, I tend to take them too fast.  But I used to be really tense when I went out driving before.  But last night near the end I finally started to relax a little bit.  I even started talking (I wasn't talking before because I was too focused on the road).  Also, sometimes if I'm freaking out that someone will try to squeeze in a turn before I get to the intersection that I don't pay attention to what's going on past the intersection.  I didn't go in for math help today at lunch like I said I would.  There was a buy-in today during math class so I figured there wouldn't be a lot of people in class so I just got help then.  I think I have an idea of what's going on now.  Also, when I was looking at today's homework it wasn't on the stuff I didn't understand so I may be in the clear for a while.  Still stuck on computer science though.  I really don't know what I'm going to do. *sigh*

Tuesday 24 April 2012

What To Do?

I HATE MATH!!!!!! Well, only because I don't understand it. I keep tricking myself into thinking I do know what's going on by looking at the answers in the textbook and figuring it out, but I actually don't.  So I'm going to go in during lunch tomorrow and see if I can get myself some help.  I'm babysitting tonight.  I should be working on my computer science right now, but I am stuck.  And my friend that usually helps me get unstuck is i) not here and ii) also stuck.  So we're kind of doomed.  But I feel guilty not doing anything on it.  But I know I'll go to work on it then end up just sitting in front of it with no idea what to do.  So yeah.  This is David Tennant who played DW before Matt Smith.

Sunday 22 April 2012


Angels & Demons

This is from Angels & Demons by Dan Brown.  (I would have made it my quote, but it was too long so I just made it a post).  

A couple months back, on a peaceful afternoon inside Vatican City, Chartrand had bumped into the camerlengo coming across the grounds.  The camerlengo had apparently recognized Chartrand as a new guard and invited him to accompany him on a stroll.  They had talked about nothing in particular, and the camerlengo made Chartrand feel immediately at home.
"Father," Chartrand said, "may I ask you a strange question?"
The camerlengo smiled. "Only if I may give you a strange answer."
Chartrand laughed. "I have asked every priest I know, and I still don't understand."
"What troubles you?" The camerlengo led the way in short quick strides, his frock kicking out in front of him as he walked. His black, crepe-soul shoes seemed befitting, Chartrand thought, like reflections of the man's essence...modern but humble, and showing signs of wear. 
Chartrand took a deep breath. "I don't understand this omnipotent-benevolent thing."
The camerlengo smiled. "You've been reading Scripture."
"I try."
"You are confused because the Bible describes God as an omnipotent and benevolent deity."
"Omnipotent-benevolent simply means that God is all-powerful and well-meaning."
"I understand the concept. It's just...there seems to be a contradiction."
"Yes. The contradiction is pain. Man's starvation, war, sickness..."
"Exactly!" Chartrand knew the camerlengo would understand. "Terrible things happen in this world. Human tragedy seems like proof that God could not possibly be both all-powerful and well-meaning.  If He loves us and has the power to change our situation, He would prevent our pain, wouldn't He?"
The camerlengo frowned. "Would He?"
Chartrand felt uneasy. Had he overstepped his bounds? Was this one of those religious questions you just didn't ask? "Well...if God loves us, and He can protect  us, He would have to.  It seems He is either omnipotent and uncaring or benevolent and powerless to help." 
"Do you have children, Lieutenant?"
Chartrand flushed. "No, signore."
"Imagine you had an eight-year-old son...would you love him?"
"Of course."
"Would you let him skateboard?"
Chartrand did a double take.  The camerlengo always seemed oddly "in touch" for a clergyman.  "Yeah, I guess," Chartrand said. "Sure, I'd let him skateboard, but I'd tell him to be careful."
"So as this child's father, you would give him some basic, good advice and then let him go off and make his own mistakes?"
"I wouldn't run behind him and mollycoddle him if that's what you mean."
"But what if he fell and skinned his knee?"
"He would learn to be more careful."
The camerlengo smiled. "So although you have the power to interfere and prevent your child's pain, you would choose to show your love by letting him learn his own lessons?"
"Of course. Pain is part of growing up. It's how we learn."
The camerlengo nodded. "Exactly."

Saturday 21 April 2012


It's going to be a quite weekend.  Yesterday was a PD day, and I didn't do much.  I went to youth group yesterday.  It was supposed to be outside sardines.  (Sardines is like hide and seek but reverse).  My BFFLAAT and I weren't really sure where you would hide outside, especially when it's still light outside.  But we were hopeful.  The reason it was outside was because the church was being set up for something that was going on today.  We played flags (my team won) and then we played soccer (it started raining before we could finish).  Since it was raining we went back inside, so we never did play sardines.  We played "volleyball" instead.  We were in the youth room with the couches lined up in the middle with the teams on either side.  You had to sit on the ground and your butt couldn't move.  There were two balls that glowed in the dark that were our "volleyballs".  Then the leaders turned the lights off and played in the dark.  Pretty cool, but the glowing balls could have been brighter.  Then we played 4 on a couch.  I am very disappointed to say that the boys won this time.  But it wasn't really fair because two of the boys had drawn their own name so there wasn't really anything to remember.  Also, they were yelling names around.  I should be hearing about whether I get the job at FCC this weekend.  I seriously don't know whether I'm going to get it or not.  I'm just trying not to think too much about it.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

My Day

So I think I did fairly well on my math test except for one question where I'm pretty sure I failed. But other than that, pretty good. The poster that I ordered for my friend (the one with the exploding TARDIS) came earlier this week. I really want her to have it, but I'm not sure how to give it to her. I don't know where she lives, and I only ever see her at school. Being a poster, it will not fit in my backpack which means I will have to carry it to school. Not that carrying it to schoo is an issue, it's just that I walk with a friend and from past experiences I know she will ask what it is. I am giving the poster to my friend as a thank you for lending me the DW series (which are around $60 each) so I'm sure it cost her a lot to buy them. The thing is, the friend I walk with has also let me something (the BBC Sherlock series). I'm sure Sherlock didn't cost as much as DW but she still lent it to me. I don't want to seem like I would give something to one of them but not the other. Since I think she gets a ride home after school maybe she could stop by my house? Is it rude to ask somebody to come to your house so you can give them something? Ugh. I dunno how I'm going to do this. Oh well. Tomorrow is the last day of school for the week, Pd day on Friday. I went to see The Hunger Games again last night with my brother and dad. Just as good the second time, maybe even better. It was obvious who hadn't seen it yet because they jumped sky high when the mutts jumped out. Not to say that I didn't jump (I did) even though I knew it was coming, but it was still pretty funny. My brother was still a little confused about some parts despite having just finished reading the book. And my dad, having not read the books (SHAME!) also needed to have some explaining done. But I was happy to help. :)

Tuesday 17 April 2012


I was going to post yesterday, honestly! But then it was dinner time, and then other people were using the computer after that.  ...And also I'm reading Angels & Demons by Dan Brown right now and it is sooooooooooooo good.  I love the Robert Langdon series (so far, at least).  It has everything I like: Europe, art, art history, mystery and some super modern science.  Really, what more could you want? I highly suggest these books if you're looking for something to read.  Some people don't like them because it becomes a bit touchy with regards to Christianity and who created the universe etc.  This is a perfect example of when you shouldn't judge something by its reviews (DAD!!!).  Another unproductive afternoon for me.  I'm going to see THE HUNGER GAMES again tonight.  Normally I wouldn't see a movie twice in the theaters but THE HUNGER GAMES are just so awesome, and a friend payed for me to go the first time so it's like I'm only seeing it once (financially).  But really I'm going again because my brother just finished reading the book and so he wants to go see the movie now.  I got a mini toothpaste yesterday from a friend (not the one I was wanting to know about, but a gift nonetheless).  It's really mini. Like, maybe 3cm long.  Maybe.  It would probably last you a day, once in the morning and once at night.  But (because of my obsession with oddly-sized objects), I love it.  Song of the day is Boyfriend - Justin Bieber sung by Chester See and Andy Lange.  I love this version way better than Justin Bieber's version

Saturday 14 April 2012


I was reading about the Titanic today, and some of the myths surrounding its sinking.  Supposedly it was the unsinkable ship.  But that has been greatly exaggerated:

"Before it sailed in 1912, it was not widely believed that the Titanic was unsinkable, and in fact a White Star Line (owner of the RMS Titanic) promotional item claimed that the ship was simply 'designed' to be unsinkable 'as far as it is possible to do so.' In truth, the widespread notion that the Titanic was unsinkable came from a comment made the day after the tragedy to The New York Times by Philip A.S. Franklin, then vice-president of White Star's holding company. 'I thought her unsinkable ... I do not understand it,' Franklin said."

 Amazing how we have managed to take something to such a grand scale.

Apparently there are a lot of people who didn't know the Titanic was real until a few days ago.  Is it really so difficult to have never heard about a historical event that famous and tragic? I would be curious to see how many people are unaware that Pearl Harbor or Schindler's List were based on true stories. (If you Google tweets about the titanic being real you will see what I mean). 

I think I'm going to Sherlock BBC this afternoon, if my friend will let me borrow it.

Friday 13 April 2012

My First Video!!!!

So this afternoon I spent some time watching John Green's YouTube videos.  He does a post every Friday and his brother does one every Tuesday.  They start the videos with "Hey John" or "Hey Hank".  They started their channel in 2005 and gave up texting to instead talk to each other through the videos.  They've since resumed texting but they still do the videos.  They are about some pretty random things.  For example, this is one of my favourites: 
I have yet to read The Fault In Our Stars, but it is on my (very looooooong) list of books to read.  (If you hadn't figured it out by now, John Green is an author). Going to youth group tonight, the theme is Random Acts Of Kindness.  Jon wanted us to text him ahead with ideas, so I told him we should make cookies for people named Heather.  He responded, "Sure, do you know any? :)"  I think we should also convince J to tell me what her gift to me is (see comment from yesterday).   I already told her that bribery doesn't work on me.  But I also really want to know what it is.  Ugh.  My BFFLAAT and friends came back today, it was great to see them. 

Wednesday 11 April 2012

It Was Going To Be Short...

Here I am, on my blog, but with nothing to say. (I probably just jinxed it, now I'm going to ramble for pages on end).  My friends that went to Europe come back tomorrow. I really hope they decide to show up of Friday (they thought they might be too tired) so that I can see them and hear all about their trip. Although I'm sure I'll hear about it whether I want to or not. My friend (one that didn't go to Europe) and I were saying that we should act as if they never left and were here the whole time.  I would go along with it if I could keep a straight face. Also, I really want to hear about the Van Gogh Museum.  It's Wednesday.  I keep getting mixed up because we didn't have school on Monday.  My T and T student teacher's last day is Friday.  Frankly, I'm really happy he's leaving.  I'm not sure when my biology student teacher is leaving, but I think it's soon as well. Funny thing is, I know my biology and T and T teachers get the student teachers just so they don't have to teach.  I always knew my bio teacher was lazy (I had her for grade 9 science) so it wasn't shocking she got a student teacher.  But the T and T one is a little weird.  First of all, he arrived before the rest of them did (they all come at the same time for around 6 weeks).  Second of all, all the student teachers are from Western and have to wear their university ID's on their neck. I have never seen my T and T student teacher (whom I'm now going to refer to as Mr. E) wear.  And thirdly (is that a word?), I don't even understand why he was here (as in my T and T class) in the first place: he mastered in history.  Traveling and touring is, in my books and I'm sure the world's, NOT HISTORY for goodness sake.  He's also not very professional.  I saw him checking his phone today during class.  And he was wearing a QuikSilver fabric belt.  Don't you own a proper belt? geez.  Wow, who knew ranting could be so much fun.
Lately I've been thinking about when (and when I say WHEN, I mean IF) my BFFLAAT finds out about my blog.  I'm not sure what she'll think.  I wonder if she'll maybe be mad at me for keeping that kind of secret.  I guess I'll explain the whole create-a-blog-don't-tell-anybody thing, but I still don't  know if when I say that if she'll totally forgive me (if she's mad in the first place). I do, however, know for a fact that she will be enraged that her mom knew and she didn't (sorry J).  Oh well, guess I don't have to worry about that until she finds out.

OMG what if she knows and she's keeping it from me to get back at me for making a blog and not telling her?!?

^this is what happens when I have nothing better to do: my mind wanders and always seems to think horrible things. 

And see, what did I tell you? I quote: "now I'm going to ramble for pages on end."  Not that it's pages long, but still.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

For those of you that have read The Hunger Games:
Peeta: Look at this bread; Isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete? Wouldn't you think I'm the boy, the boy who has every bread? Look at this loaf. Flavors untold. How many flours can one loaf hold? Looking around here you'd think, "Sure, he bakes everything." I've got wheat-bread and biscuits aplenty. I've got cornbread, and crumpets galore! You want bagels? I've got twenty! But who cares? No big deal...I WANT MOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


I Understand...?

I'm a little shaken up right at the moment.  I was playing Minecraft (not actually, I just wanted to see what the big deal was).  Anyways, I was digging and I kind of got lost.  It all looks the same to me.  I started freaking out even though I kept telling myself it's just a game, it's just a game.  Eventually I found my way out, but I actually started to feel sick like I do when I'm worried something is wrong.  And now I'm getting a headache.  I'm slightly concerned about the fact that getting lost in a virtual game will make me feel genuine panic.  I don't think I'll ever play Minecraft again (not that I was going to anyways).  My math teacher was saying last week that today's lesson was so difficult that we were going to spend two days on it.  But I understand it perfectly (not something that happens very often in math class).  It probably means I'm doing something wrong.  Hopefully not :) I was going to post a picture of some cartoon or something of somebody understanding math so I typed 'I understand completely' into the search bar.  And this was the picture that came up.  Not just one, but at least the first three rows of results.  So I have absolutely no idea what this is from or what it means, but it suits what I'm talking about, so I thought, what the hell, use the weird talking pear.  What I SAID was what the HECK (see the difference there?) use the popular picture.  And BTW, I in no way whatsoever understand the whole talking pear thing, even though the picture begs to differ.

Monday 9 April 2012


I"M BACK!!! I know it hasn't been that long, but it feels that way.  See, the difference between other time when I haven't posted and this weekend is that this weekend I wanted to post but I couldn't because the family that came over doesn't know about my blog.  Overall we didn't do much, went for a couple walks, looked for eggs, went to my sister's dance recital.  (Yes, I still get Easter egg hunts).  I'm not sure what I'm going to do this afternoon.  I might think about where I'm going to put more things in my room.  I'm worried that I have too many different pieces going on and that it's too busy.  But I think I should be good.  I just have to stop buying more things.  And put more thought into what I do buy.  I bought a lamp at IKEA last weekend, and now I'm not so sure about it.  I also have two picture frames that I bought and I don't know where I'm going to put them.  Oh well. 

Friday 6 April 2012


Happy Easter weekend everybody!!! Im not doing much, some family has come to visit, but there are no special plans. Well, except for my sisters dance recital tomorrow. It should be good, but it's going to be three hours long. So by the end of it I'm sure I'll be more than ready to go home. Also, I have a job interview tomorrow morning before we go to the dance recital. It's to be a counselor at FCC. But I don't think it's going to be a very formal interview. It's being held at a Starbucks. So yeah. I'm still going to dress up kind of, to seem professional and everything, but I can't help but feel it will be very casual. Especially being an interview for camp. Oh well, wish me good luck. I am finally going to be able to put those interview skills I learned in careers to the test!

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Where Does The Time Go? To The Past...

I have decided that I am going to start tagging my posts (if that's possible).  Because sometimes I can't remember if I've talked about something or not already.  You guys are probably sitting there laughing at half my posts because I'm just repeating myself.  I didn't do much this evening, have been doing hw since I got home from school.  (But we all know that when I say worked straight through the evening, I mean work for half an hour, play a couple rounds of Temple Run or something, listen to a song, then convince myself to get back to work.)  I'm so glad it's a short week (3 4-day weeks in a row!!!), I am so stressed out right now.  I have two tests tomorrow and two projects that I'm struggling with (kind of).  Oh well. My BFFLAAT and friends are off to Europe, it's going to be very quiet during lunch...

Tuesday 3 April 2012

(I can never think of a title...)

Today is an okay day.  Biology was just another chance to watch our student teacher struggle to teach our class.  Computer science brought on the usual challenges of figuring out why the program won't run, but this time with the code due tomorrow.  In T and T, my BFFLAAT and I had to do a presentation that we finished during lunch. Now before you rat on me about leaving it till the last minute, the internet wasn't working in the classroom so we couldn't do our research in there but none of the other computers in the school available to us have Microsoft PowerPoint.  So, bit of a dilemma.  But we got it done in time, we just didn't have a chance to really go over the presenting part.  But I think it went okay.  I never thought I would ever hear a song that has these words in it: Buzz Lightyear, fondue, swag and swaggie that was an iTunes top song.  Amazing how much impact the singer can have on a song.  DW isn't scheduled to come out till late this year, which is going to throw everything off.  It usually show Jan-Apr, then Aug-Nov (approx).  Then they do a Christmas Special that ties the two seasons together (kind of).  But now they want to start the season late this year. What's going to happen to the Christmas special? Are they still going to have it, but just be random in the middle of the season or, gasp, will there not be a Christmas special?!? I can't believe I even thought that.