
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 30 March 2014

Ok so Josh does this thing where I'll be eating by myself and he sits somewhere else, because he doesn't see me. But then once he's seated he'll see that I'm also eating, more noticeably alone. However, by the time he works up the courage to come and sit with me, I'll have finished eating. I'll be getting up and leaving. And every single time (because it has happened multiple times), he'll be on his way over or just about to get up to move, he'll see me leaving and I can see how he dies a little inside. And now that I'm typing this out, I'm realizing: am I being mean? Should I just sit there and let him come over? Man, I dunno about any of this stuff.
I'm doing a project about digital worlds and our "second lives". I'm doing a wedding scene where the couple is texting their vows to each other. I asked Josh if I could take a picture of his hands holding a phone. And so now our phone conversation has wedding vows in it...

129. What are your favourite stores to shop in?
I'm going to limit it to stores where I could/would actually buy something, because for all you know, I could be taking the bus every weekend to Pandora and admiring everything I can never have. I like Winners, (Old Navy???), Forever 21 (kind of), I don't know. I'm not really a person who has to have branded clothes, it's really just whatever is cheapest. I've had a craving to go thrift shopping recently...(CAMP!)

You should all go play 2048. It's ruining my life because it's so addicting and I have studying to be doing.

Saturday 29 March 2014

This is my favourite thing.

Fridays Always Drag...

Today was a long day. There was Stratford of course (I'm so glad I only have to go back one more time then I'm done...until September at least). And then this evening I went to see a concert of all the UWaterloo A Capella groups preform. It was really good. I quite enjoy a cappella. More so when it's songs I know, because I can reference how close they are to coming to replicating the song. But it was all good. Also one of my newer friends was singing in it and she wanted me to see it, so I thought I would go and support her. Some songs they did were Bravado, Say Something, Let It Go (!!!) and a Michael Jackson song that I am currently forgetting. The show was over 2 hours though, so it was a but rough because I'd already been sitting all day. I've discovered that a good time to go on tumblr is when it's late, 1) because that's when everybody else is on and there's more stuff being posted and 2) I'm tired, so it doesn't take much to make me laugh really hard. And laughing is always fun :)

127. What do you say during awkward silences?
(after waiting to see if the other person/people will break the silence): Ok, well I'll see you later? (i.e. I try to get out of them)

128. Describe your dream girl/guy.
My dream guy would be taller than me*, broader build. Not necessarily muscular but strong, short hair. He would make me laugh, treat me like a lady, but not be afraid to goof off. Christian. Accept me for who I am, get along with my friends and family. Not a smoker (or any other drugs for that matter). Not a fan of alcohol. Likes to read, listen to (my) music, watch movies. Won't get jealous or angry when I fantasize about Benedict Cumberbatch. Wants to have kids. Is ok with staying in. Have similar financial views to me. Polite.
But might I just bring these back:

*this is a very big and strong wish I have

If being wrong's a crime / I'm serving forever
- Swingin Party, Lorde

Wednesday 26 March 2014

As promised, here is my name typed using my chin:
Hey hey hey that's pretty close! Although one could argue that you could use your chin to hit the backspace, and make it perfect, but where's the fun in that?
Also, why are these not a thing in a 5 mile radius of me?
I'm telling you, this is the future. Just think of how much easier it would be to buy pop for a party.

125. With you rather live without TV or music?
Ok, if I said without music, would there be no music in TV? Because music has a huge impact on the feeling of scenes in TV/movies. If yes, then without TV. Because TV without music in the background is just awkward.

126. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?

If I hear just on more time
That I should try and be more-open minded
I think I just might scream
The world says this is all there is
Yet I believe the One who says there's a life after this
Now tell me how much more open can my mind be?
- One Trick Pony, MercyMe
Benedict + glasses = the hottest thing I have ever seen

Sunday 23 March 2014

Wind Out

Friday night was Renison's Wind Out. Everybody gets dressed up to go to the Delta hotel in Kitchener and have a very nice dinner. They gave out some of the awards and then there was a dance. It was pretty fun, but I've never been much of a dance person. When we got back at about 11:30, my friends and I ordered pizza and had another dance party in one of the lounges. Then we all slept in one room, like a sleepover. It was a lot of fun. Until 9:30AM, that is, when the fire alarm went off. According to the dons,  the fire alarm was supposed to go off at 1pm. The thing I want to know is who decided that a fire alarm the day after Wind Out (where there was a bar) would be a good idea? And then who thought it would be a good idea to do it in the morning?! Because I had slept in my friends room, I didn't have my jacket or proper shoes. I was standing outside in shorts, a t-shirt and flip-flops in below zero temperatures for over half a hour. Then one of the sweetest things that has ever happened to me happened: Josh came over and gave me his jacket. Like seriously, these types of things don't happen to me. But then he was shy and so just kind of walked away after he gave it to me. I was able to thank him later when I gave it back. But that's like the sweetest thing that's ever happened to me.  Then I spent all of yesterday in my friends room, a majority of that time occupying a portion of her bed. I did manage to get some work done on my peanut butter report*, but it was an overall very lazy day. I watched a couple episodes of Hannibal. I'm enjoying it, but it's some pretty dense stuff. I would find myself halfway through the episode all tense and holding my breath. But fun times and lazy days will soon be over because there are only 2 (TWO!!) weeks of classes left and then the dreaded exams. Ugh. I am so ready for everything to be over (and for camp to start!!!)

123. Spell your name with your chin.
Since I am in a public place, I will retain my dignity and do this later.

124. Do you play sports? What sports?
I don't play any sports. Unless belaying can be consider a sport...

Friday 21 March 2014


My friend is running for a position on what is basically the GBDA student council so we are trying to help her come up with a campaign. We we're thinking of coming up with another saying for GBDA. My personal favourite is Great Bitches and Digital Assholes. There was also Great Big Dreams Achieved. But I think she's going to go with Great Brains Driving Achievement. I thought that one up, thank you very much.

Thursday 20 March 2014

INCREDIBLES 2 IS A THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tom Hiddleston

122. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Well then. I see how it is.
To be honest, none of them. While I love adore creep stalk some certain celebrities which I'm sure you can figure out, I would never want to do something like a threesome with them unless they wanted it. I love them and adore them and look up to them, I don't want to disrespect them. For example, some people on tumblr are like "I want to lick that neck". While I'm sure licking that neck would be lovely, I wouldn't go up to my favourite celebrity and lick their neck, no matter how strong the desire, because I respect them and their privacy.
So none of them (but you can check out the top men tag...)

Speaking of my top men, I think I'll update it a bit.
6. (now I know that I've listed more than 6 top men, but it seems along the way I skipped number 6, so I'll just add it now)
6. Tom Hiddleston
The beautiful creature that is basically the most British and polite person I've ever had the great fortune to admire. (Along with Benedict Cumberbatch, there's this thing going around that they are the most British and most polite people ever. But then Benedict started swearing more...so he's falling behind Tom a bit).  And I love Loki!

He's such an adorable dork. He apologized for winning an award.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Today's Society: A Summary

120. Have any of your ex's told you they regret breaking up?
No exs....

121. Is your hair long enough for a ponytail?
Yes. I need a haircut desperately though.

Tell it like it is I wanna love you like an honest man / Don't tell, if there's anybody else / I want to be your defender / I want to be your defender, be your voyager
- Voyager, Fur Trade

Monday 17 March 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Just a little something I put together...I love McDonald's Shamrock Shakes


So apparently I completely forgot about QOTD for an entire week?

114. Where would you like to travel?
To the Great Wall of China and England (again).

115. Favourite part of your daily routine?
Blogging? I don't always do that daily though...
Eating is always nice...

116. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My thighs.

117. What do you do when you wake up?
Usually think something along the lines of "Uh really? It's time to get up already? Why haven't I changed my alarm? That sound is so annoying."

118. Do you wish your skin was darker or lighter?
I'm cool with it the way it is. If it would just be a consistent colour, that'd be great.

119. Who are you most comfortable around?
My friends Emily and Sarah.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Ahhhhh Middle Aged Men

I saw this on tumblr:
And it is so accurate.
please see #98 here
please see this
and this
yes this too
and this
more here

Wednesday 12 March 2014



What Is Happening?

Also, what the heck is going on with this weather?

Tuesday 11 March 2014

If you're ever trying to think of a unique gift to give me, one idea would be to commission Two Steps From Hell to write a soundtrack to the epic awesomeness that is my life.

My Walk: A Summary

I went on a walk today around Ring Rd because it was so beautiful. And here are some comments on said walk:
- it was like 5 degrees and I was loving it
- my boots are not as waterproof as I had hoped they would be
- personal space. Ok, so I was walking on the right side of the sidewalk, like you're supposed to. I wasn't like right at the edge, but I wasn't walking in the middle of the sidewalk either. There's this guy walking towards me in the middle of the sidewalk. And he just keeps walking in the middle as he passes me. I mean, it's not like we were going to collide or anything, but personal bubble, buddy. You could take one step to the side. Yeesh.
- janitor standing at the side of a building just casually flossing his teeth. No biggie
- there are Asians everywhere
- it should not go back to being cold
- because this is beautiful
- trying to sing along to the song your listening to but you don't want others to think that you're talking to yourself
- I've always wanted to wear a pedometer
- but then I feel like I would just get really depressed about the lack of steps I was taking

112. Do you like your neighbours?
Yeah, they're ok I guess. I don't really talk to them a lot, but they say hi in the hall which is nice. They could tidy their room up a little though. And maybe open the blinds every once in a while.

113. What are your bad habits?
Convincing myself that it's okay to read another chapter, and then ending up going to bed at like 2AM. (it's even worse if I'm on tumblr, cause it's just infinite scroll, so there's no break where I can tell myself, this is where you'll stop)

It's like I'm leaving all my past in silhouettes up on the wall
- Sad Song, We The Kings feat. Elena Coats

Monday 10 March 2014


From my brother:

and good night to you, brah

Crayon Art

I think I mentioned that I would take a picture of this eventually, so here it is. I would take a picture of the weeping angel painting that I did (which I really like how it turned out), but alas, it is hanging on a wall in the arts building on the other side of campus, so you will just have to wait until I get it back for a photo.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Are you ever really lonely but you don't want to interact with anyone and so you just try and fill the void yourself but it doesn't really work?

111. Do you like bubble baths?
Um yea I guess, I haven't had a lot of experience with them.

We want what we can't have, commodity makes us want it
So expensive, damn, I just got to flaunt it
Got to show 'em, so exclusive, this that new shit
A hundred dollars for a pair of shoes I would never hoop in
Look at me, Look at me, I'm a cool kid
I'm an individual, yeah, but I'm part of a movement
My movement told me to be a consumer and I consumed it
They told me to just do it, I listened to what that swoosh said
Look at what that swoosh did
See it consumed my thoughts
Are you stupid, don't crease 'em, just leave 'em in that box
- Wing$, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

Saturday 8 March 2014

Ok, based on input not through comments...
110. Do you still talk to your first crush?

It's the little things / That convince me to stay / It's your fingertips / And the music they play
- First Defeat, Noah Gundersen

"Self Portrait"

This is a "self-portrait" (kind of) assignment that I have to do. I've organized the pictures by theme horizontally and by colour vertically. I wasn't sure if the colour sorting was too weighted? As in, the the right column is too bland/neutral? Should I skip the colour organization?
Let me tell you about my morning. I was having a really weird dream. Now, very rarely do I remember my dreams, so the fact alone that I remembered it at all was weird. I was dreaming that it was Hershey's birthday and so I wanted to do something for her. I decided I would send her a letter - through space. Dad handed me a phone number and said these people would get everything sorted out. So I wrote a letter and an astronaut showed up on my back deck. I took some pictures with him and then he was off to deliver the letter. A couple days later he showed up again to show me pictures of Hershey with him and the letter. I was pretty excited. Then I woke up. I was happy because of the dream. I wanted to know what time it was because I could see the sun just starting to peek in through the windows. So I went to look at my iPod, which had my alarm on it, only to see that it had died. And then I started panicking. I quite literally jumped across the room to get my phone to see what time it was, because I was thinking, there is no possible way that I would naturally wake up in time to get to Stratford. It was 7:15AM. After thanking the Lord multiple times, I rushed to get ready. I was in such a panic and I was worrying about not making it to the bus on time. Speeding through getting ready, I head out, speed walking to the bus. I arrive at the bus, satisfied that I made it. But then the emptiness of the bus hits me; why are more people not here? I then started to panic that maybe it wasn't Friday and I was terribly confused. I then glanced at the time, only to see that it was 7:45AM, an entire 20mins before the bus leaves. I was 20mins early after rushing through everything. I was so mad. Anyways, that was my eventful and stressful morning. I think the stress wiped me out, I was so tired all day.

108. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
*never been kissed*

109. Do you think there is life on other planets?
Yes. I don't think there are other major organisms like ourselves, but I think there are probably some sort of bacteria or micro-organisms out there.

My self esteem, oh it's seen better days
- Make It Without You, Andrew Belle

Friday 7 March 2014

Camp Names

Ok so my International Business prof is talking about the company Lego and how they recovered from almost going bankrupt yada yada yada. Anyways, he keeps saying "Lego" and I keep turning my head, responding to it and I feel like an idiot. I might not even be called Lego this summer. Not because I'm going to change my name, but because people in the kitchen just tend to be called by their real names and not so much by their camp names.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!! I'm so happy and relieved. Although, half-way through the phone call my phone ran out of money/minutes, so the call dropped. I started freaking out and panicking. I mean, at that point I had already been offered the job, but it probably wouldn't be in my best interest not to try and call back. So I loaded some more money on my phone (thank God it was an easy process) and called back. And it was all good. But it was a couple of very stressful minutes.
Also, I have this really strong desire to play Mario Kart right now.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

(Just thought I should let you all know that the pizza delivery guy at the Oscars last night was an actual delivery guy, not some actor, and he was on Ellen's show today. She gave him the money she collected for a tip in Pharrel's hat which was $600)

105. Do you like it when people play with your hair?

106. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
I dunno, don't they kind of contradict each other? I believe in miracles, not so much luck...

107. What good thing happened last summer?
Working in the kitchen at camp, which completely changed the way I view support staff at camp.

Monday 3 March 2014


So the Oscars were amazing! I'm going to give you some of my fave moments:
Honourable Mention: Pink preformed a tribute to The Wizard of Oz

Honourable Mention: Leonardo DiCaprio, who still doesn't have an Oscar.

Honourable Mention: Jennifer Lawrence fell (again), but this time she tried to catch herself...buy grabbing onto someone else

5. Lupita Nyong'o's acceptance speech was beautiful (it even made Benedict Cumberbatch, among others, cry).
is she not stunning

4. Idina Menzel preformed "Let It Go" live which was amazing (it went on to win Best Original Song)

3. John Green's tweet about Benedict Cumberbatch:

2. 12 Years A Slave won Best Picture

1. Benedict Cumberbatch, ladies and gentlemen, the man I have chosen to love:

 and then he fricking did it again
 I really loved Ellen's hosting as well. Which included ordering pizza and handing it out to people (can I be a pizza delivery person?!?!?!):

(from E!):
So here's what a giant celeb pizza party is like:
-12 Years a Slave star Chiwetel Ejiofor wanted an entire box.
-Brad Pitt passed out plates and napkins to the crowd, while Kevin Spacey took pizza to hand out in the cheaper seats.
-Julia Roberts shouted that she wanted cheese.
-Meryl Streep is wearing a white dress, but she did not care about stains. She wanted pizza and damn it, she was going to eat pizza. And that's why she's the best human.
-Jennifer Lawrence definitely got her hands on a slice, because duh. Girl loves her food.
-Ellen reminded the pizza guy that Kerry Washington is pregnant and that "she needs some." You all did see how fast the Scandal star's hand shot up when Ellen first asked if anyone wanted pizza, right?
-Leonardo DiCaprio declined the pizza, but that was probably because his stomach was in knots while he awaits his category.
-Jared Leto took a slice, but insisted to the camera that it was for his mom.
-Harrison Ford is way too seasoned to care about looking cool, eating oncamera and/or spilling, so he made sure to get some pizza.

And she took what is probably the best selfie ever:
She posted it to her twitter and wanted it to become the most retweeted tweet (to beat out Obama's record). It did, of course, and crashed twitter in the process.

Saturday 1 March 2014


Thought numero uno: Giphy is like my favourite new website. It's just GIFs. Endless GIFs. It's beautiful. They even have a reaction GIF section and I just

Thought #2: I don't know if this it old news or not, but Brad Pitt fINALLY CUT HIS HAIR.
I'm not sure how I feel about the whole Macklemore look on him, but anything is better than the long hair he's been sporting since the beginning of forever.

Thought number 3: WHAT THE HELL DOES RUSSIA THINK THEY'RE DOING INVADING UKRAINE??? This could quite possibly lead to something bigger like  WWIII and I do not want that. No invading. Please.

Thought Num Four: this ever changing numbering system I've adapted is part homage to Margo Roth Speigleman and her Capitalization Equality (Paper Towns, John Green), part me being not myself, and part pissing me off because it is not me.

Thought Integer 5: Yo I got 85% on my econ midterm which is way better than I actually did because the prof bell curved the marks. I actually got 70%, which I'm still pretty happy with. I've done worse. (The class average was 49%. Out of 40, the highest mark was 31 and the lowest mark was 4.)

Thought Number Sei: I can't believe February is over already. On the other hand, that means it is now March and I will soon find out if I got the job at FCC. I CAN'T WAIT.

Thought # 7: I'm trying to watch all (well, most, really) of the Oscar nominated films before the Oscars happen, which I will be watching tomorrow evening. I even printed off a ballot card :) So far I've seen The Wolf of Wall Street, Her, Gravity, and American Hustle in the Best Picture category.  So far my favourite is Gravity. It was truly an amazing movie, I really liked it. I enjoyed Her as well. I wasn't a huge fan of American Hustle, which kind of disappointed me. I didn't end up finishing it. I'm going to watch 12 Years a Slave this evening. (I've also seen Frozen, Despicable Me 2, The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, Start Trek Into Darkness and Iron Man 3 which are nominated in other categories).

Thought # Eight: I need to choose my courses for the fall term this week. Problem is I can't find the list of courses I'm required to take, so I don't even know how many electives I have to choose.

Thought number nove: I painted a Weeping Angel paint-by-number style and I really like how it turned out. Unfortunately for you, I'm such a lazy butt that you don't get a picture. At least not today.

Thought num 10: I should probably start reading one of 5 chapters I need to read this week but screw it it's the weekend I watched two hours of photoshop tutorials I'm going to do some fun reading.

au revoir