
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 26 October 2011


This is not turning out to be a good week.  I'm just so worn out, emotionally and physically.  I need to go bed earlier.  I have a lot going on at school, its hard to keep track of.  I went to Anti-Gravity Yoga at the gym this evening with my friend Shannon.  It was good/interesting, seems like one of the things that will be more productive the more you do of it.  Basically,  there's a silk hammock hanging from the ceiling and you do yoga in it.  I know silk is really strong and all that, so it won't break, but I couldn't help feeling a little nervous about the whole idea.  The silk looks so fraile and delicate, like it will easily rip.  There was a lot of hanging upside down and now I have a headache.  My friend, who has been before, says you get used to it.  Likely story.  I'm about to watch Canada's Worst Driver, cause I forgot last night :$  I find it weird when that happens, you are so excited for something, then it just totally slips your mind.  After that, I need to study for chemistry.  Everybody always likes when tests are bumped back, but then you just forget everything.  We were supposed to have this test on Monday, but now its tomorrow.  Talk about bumping it back a little bit.  I'll try to go to bed earlier, but I also just borrowed this book from my BFFBAMLY (not to be confused with BFFLAAT) and its really good.  I've read it before, but a long time ago and I forgot a lot of it.  Its really hard to put it down, there's just so many cliff hangers!  Today's song it Imagine - John Lennon.  This version is by Glee season one. I know its a bit fuzzy, but I think it's really touching how they join in together.  Well, I'm off to CWD!!!!

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