
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 22 October 2011

Just Another Day

So my mom and I have been talking lately about watching Glee, so we rented the first season on DVD.  And I am reluctant to say that I am a Gleek.  But not as much as my sister is, she is positively obsessed.  I do really enjoy the show though.  I'm glad I only started watching it now, because since its all on the DVD I don't have to wait a week until I can see the next episode :)  But soon enough I'll catch up to season 3 and then I'll have to wait.  We went for a walk this afternoon with some family friends in a place that we often went walking with FIH, kind of in honor of him.  A little muddy, and of course my sister decided it would be a good idea to wear her new $200 Ugg boots (fyi, I think Ugg boots are a total waste of money and really ugh [see the pun there?] when you get them wet).  Sometimes I wonder about her...  It was nice, the sky really cleared up and turned out to be a really nice day.  I went to sewing this morning, we are working on little baggies to sell to raise money for our missions fund.  Afterwards, we went to Michael's (I hate how the 'a' comes before the 'e', it doesn't make sense) and I bought a Value Pack of scrapbooking supplies.  Its a bag filled with a bunch of stickers and embellishments, but only half the bag is see-through, so you only kind of know what you are getting.  I think its a pretty good deal, with a nice element of surprise.  Today's song is Canadian Please.  These two people made it for a school project or something, and it was a huge YouTube hit.

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