
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 14 October 2011


Today was an overall good day.  I was rather unproductive this afternoon, just watched some TV.  I really enjoy small classes, like when there is a buy-out and I don't go, so there is only a few kids in class.  Today was one of those days.  In chemistry we just did a review sheet for a surprise quiz on Monday.  I know what your thinking, its not a surprise if you know about it.  Well, its not a surprise for me, but it will be for the kids who weren't in class :)  My friend Jesslyn stayed behind too.  Our teacher was having a race I guess you could call it to see who could finish the sheet first with no errors.  Both Jesslyn and I had a few mistakes, but we fixed them, and were the first ones to get every question right.  Our prize was a mini pocket sized periodic table.  I know this doesn't seem too thrilling, but believe me, it was.  See, at the beginning of the year he told us about these mini pocket sized periodic table and made them a big deal. It was pretty funny to watch him freak out over something so small.  But of course, that made everybody want one.  So finally, I got one :)  Today's song is I Dreamed A Dream, and in this version, sung by Susan Boyle.  She is the perfect example of "don't judge a book by its cover".  A Mastermind toy store just opened in London, and we are going tomorrow.  There is one by some relatives of ours, and we used to go every time. Well, now we can go whenever we want. I'm super excited, cause we got a flyer from them, and it said they would be giving away Lego.  I love Lego.  But Lego is very expensive, not exactly something you give away for free unless its small.  The smallest Lego thing would be the minifigures (see pic), which I just so happen to collect.  So I will stay hopeful.

1 comment:

  1. sadly, i lost my mini periodic table (that i earned in highschool too). i really liked it, for the same inexplicable reason that you like yours i suppose. however, now i'd much rather have a mini copy of the dessert periodic table that you have hanging on the wall in your kitchen :)
