
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 19 October 2011


Today when I got home from school, my mom is asking me how my day went etc., then out of the blue, she says, "BTW (OK, so she didn't actually sat BTW, [she's not into that kind of stuff] but it was along those lines...) you're busted."  WHAT?!?!?!? I was confused.  She then goes on to tell me that she found out about my blog.  So, busted.  I went three weeks before she found out, not bad.  She found out because a certain somebody (I'm not naming names...I don't want to be mean [and by all means I don't want to sound mean{even though I am sad she found out}cause its nothing serious]) might have mentioned it while talking about our friend in the hospital, because I had mentioned in a previous post that my parents were visiting him.  The person then said that I had mentioned something about that on my blog.  My mom was confused, because our friend (who from now on I am going to call FIH, Friend In Hospital) has a sister with the same name as me, thinking maybe it was FIH's sister's blog, the thought of me having a blog never crossing her mind.  But then today she was looking at the history on the PC and tada, there was my blog.  So, I guess I have to filter my thoughts now since my mom will most definitely be reading this blog.  I'm jk, there is nothing on my blog that I would not say straight to my mother's face.  The song of the day today is Over You - Daughtry.  I really like Daughtry, you should check out some of their other songs.  About the picture...my friends and I can be a tad weird sometimes, especially my friend Kris-Ann.  She is out there, but we are always quick to join her in her ways, but I am only like that with her, and maybe my BFFLAAT, seeing my weirdness is reserved for VIPs.  Anyways, she like to Photoshop a lot of weird pictures.  She didn't do this one, but this is a good comparison :)


  1. sorry heather, i didn't realize your mom didn't know :(

  2. that's fine, I knew she would find out someday
