
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Monday 30 September 2013


I GOT 18.5/20 ON MY FIRST EVER UNIVERSITY QUIZ!!!!! It was for Italian. I'm pretty happy.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Shopping Continued

I was trying to think of the stores that I had been wanting to buy stuff from for my online shopping guide, but I blanked. However, it has come back to me: BBC Canada ;)
 The Fourth Doctor's Scarf (6')
 Melody Malone Novel T-Shirt
 TARDIS Scarf (6')
 The Fourth Doctor's Scarf (12' - the true length)
 The Tenth Doctor T-Shirt
 The Eleventh Doctor's Bowtie
TARDIS Modern T-Shirt
All of these products (much preferable to those listed in the previous post) are available on BBC Canada. I have to admit, it is temping to buy some of these because I have a free shipping voucher and 15% off voucher. Unfortunately, I can't use them both on one purchase (believe me, I tried). 


As requested, I am going to give you an idea of what I want to but online. (Just so you know, I'm a women's 9-10 shoe size and generally a medium in shirts, sometimes a large). I am using this post as an excuse to not write more of my astronomy essay, so I am also going to provide you with a link to the websites. Most of these I found through Pinterest.

I actually was going to buy these toms, they were really cheap. But when I clicked on checkout it took me to a different page and it looked sketchy (it wasn't the real Toms site). So I googled the company that they were using for payment and a lot of people were saying that they never got the things they ordered. Needless to say, I didn't buy the toms. But I still really like them.
This jacket is only $15! Most of the other stuff is kind of  dream, I want it but it is too expensive. This, however, I would buy. If I had a credit card.
I have wanted on of these backpacks for a long time.

I was going to look for more shirts to show you but I've gotten bored now and may actually do some real work. I might continue this later.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Online Shopping

I keep wanting to go online and buy all this stuff to fill a void that I am feeling (probably the lack of my social life) but I don't have a credit card so I can't buy anything unless I ask my parents, which I would rather not (partially because I've already asked them twice). BUT I WANT TO BUY THE THINGS!

All Alone...No One There Beside MEEEEE!

Ok, so I was going to blog about my outing last night that had a very specific mission, but I was so pissed off at the outcome that I didn't feel like going through it all over again. So onto a different topic, today Renison is hosting the East Asian Festival (Renison is the house of Waterloo's East Asian Studies). Anyways, there are a bunch of different booths everywhere and they set up a stage in the Great Hall for performances. However, the Great Hall is where Renison residents eat. And it is the only place we can eat because we are not allowed to take dishes back to our rooms. Does anybody see the problem? Stage in the Great Hall? That's where we eat? Exactly. They are using all the tables for booth setups and are using all the chairs for the audience to sit in. Luckily for us, they left one table (which sits 20 people) for us to eat at. In the corner. At the back. Right where everybody is trying to walk. So, a table for 20 when there are 220 residents. Another thing is that you practically have to walk on the stage to get into that actual caf. And then it's really awkward when you come out because you are right behind the emcee and can't really go anywhere. I'm really into sending people gifs over snapchat right now. I'm going through a phase. That will probably be over by the end of the day. On my gif search (seriously, there is a gif for every situation), I found this:
This accurately describes my life.

Thursday 26 September 2013


After all the (wo)man hours we put into making those paper cranes, we lost. Another floor had approx 50 more cranes than we did. I think in the end we had ~420 paper cranes. And now we don't get the sushi platter. The more depressing thing to think about is how many hours of my life did I just waste making paper cranes, all for nothing? Well, I wouldn't say nothing. I'm closer with some of the other girls on the floor from when we had paper crane folding parties. I'm happy about that. I don't know if I ever told you guys, but one of the girls on my floor has a double room to herself. Her roommate just never showed up. But now she has a roommate. A girl from the floor above us was annoyed by the hours people were keeping on her floor. I guess they were really loud or something. Anyways, she's moving onto out floor now. I, personally, would be annoyed, because I had gotten used to having a room to myself, and not I don't. I guess it's fair though. It wasn't fair that she got a room to herself to begin with. Ah well. I have crossed 4 out of 7 things off my to-do list today. Unfortunately, two of the three left I am not looking forward to at all.  One of the things is just to print off pictures, which is easy. I'm trying to do them in order of importance though, cause otherwise things would never get done. I was playing guitar again today and got another compliment! but my fingers are really sore. I need to stop playing for so long at one time. While I was playing, I was sitting on my leg/foot. When I went to stand up it felt like I had a cast on. I could only feel a part of my heel. I was banging it against the ground and felt nothing, but I could hear that is was really loud. It felt heavy. It took over 5 mins for it to go back to normal. (And it was a very painful 5 mins).


My paper crane family consists of 13 cranes :)


These have been "my songs" basically since I got to university.


My floor just watched the movie Bridesmaids. And after all the commotion after it first came out, I was expecting great things. I knew it was one of those movies that wasn't really that great, but was so funny that it didn't even matter. But I have to admit, I was sorely disappointed. I don't know, maybe I just wasn't in the right mood, but I did not find the movie entertaining. Maybe it was built up too much and I was just expecting too much. There were some funny moments, but not funny enough to even remember. I don't know what the last number of paper cranes I'd folded was, but I have now folded over 80 cranes. I have to admit, they are starting to lose their charm. I still love my really big one. Maybe tomorrow I'll get around to posting some pictures. I made a paper crane family :)
The school work is starting to pour in and I really need to sit down tomorrow and get stuff done. I keep panicking because for some reason I'm just really messed up with my dates right now. I keep thinking that it is later than it actually is. Not that that means I'm going to delay working, but I just don't need to be putting so much stress on myself. Today in astronomy we were assigned two assignment that involve tracking stars. We get to use telescopes (which look really funny, I'll have to take a picture when I get a chance to use it) and maybe even the observatory. But it means sitting out in the cold and the dark. I'm not going to be alone though, my friend is in the same class and we are allowed to work in groups so we are doing it together. Today during my break between classes I played guitar. I decided since it was so nice out that I would play outside. I actually played just outside my bedroom window, but it was nice to have a change of scenery. And to let you all know, I was complimented twice, thank you very much! But my back hurt after from leaning over my guitar. I am going through my iTunes library and seeing which songs I can play. That's a big thing for me, being able to play a song that I enjoy.

Monday 23 September 2013

Posters Make Me Happy and My Room Prettier!

Since I don't have Adobe Illustrator, which I need for an assignment I'm working on, I thought I'd search out the lab on campus that does have it. Of course, it would be in the building that is on the exact opposite end of campus from me. So I packed up my laptop and camera and hiked across campus. Only to discover that a professor had booked the lab and I would not be able to use it. It looks like there is a time when I can use it tomorrow, but using this lab is going to be more difficult than I thought. My back hurt by the time I got back. Cameras and laptops are heavier than they appear. Renison, the building I live in is also the home of Waterloo's East Asian Studies and there is currently an East Asian Festival going on. The floors have been challenged to fold the most paper cranes. The prize is sushi for the floor. At first I didn't think my floor was actually going to try but then our don said that we were. So I was folding paper cranes in all my free time today. I've folding over 30 so far. We have until the 26th to hand them in. It's one of those things where you think you're doing well but there's probably somebody on a floor somewhere that has been folding cranes non-stop. Oh well. My hands are getting sore.

This week there is a poster sale in the SLC building. Some of my friends were going and invited me. I said I'd go but wasn't planning on buying any because posters can be pretty expensive. I took my wallet though just in case. They had tons of different posters: tv shows, bands, singers, quotes, art, typical poster things (like the Periodic Table). I was shocked. They had them set up in these zig zag rows. It was a little intimidating. The posters also varied in size. Most were standard poster size, but they had little ones, medium ones, skinny and long ones. And some that were huge. I'm talking 45+ inches across. And they were basically all under $24. That's how much the huge ones cost. If I had room, I would have bought a huge Starry Night print. The standard sized ones were $8-12. I was impressed. I ended up buying three. Two are small and one is long and skinny:

I love them. I bought them with some money I got for my birthday. I love them! They make me so happy. There was a Sherlock one, but I didn't like the design really. Shame.  One of the friends I went with was having trouble deciding which ones to get so she's going to sleep on it. She also wanted to measure how much wall space she had. There is a lot of wall space (relatively speaking, of course) but it's all very broken up, there isn't a lot of big spaces for posters. That's one of the reasons I got smaller ones.
I am going to see how many more paper cranes I can fold and then go to bed. I am going to try going to bed at a more regular time. I have a really hard time falling asleep here. It doesn't help that my roommate has gotten into the habit of staying out late. It's not like she's out partying or anything, she's studying or working. Sometimes I don't see her all day. But she'll come in and see that I've already gone to bed. And proceed to turn the light on and do various things. I'm ok with her turning the light on briefly to get ready for bed but then she needs to turn it off. She usually ends up doing more work. I'll have to talk to her about lights out again.

Thursday 19 September 2013


dead from laughing

I must be more excited about school than I'm letting on...

...because this morning I found my Italian dictionary and ARBUS textbook in my bed.... I don't know how I feel about this. And it's not like they just fell off my desk into my bed. No, they were up on a shelf and ended up on my bed. At least they didn't get bent or anything.

Wednesday 18 September 2013


During my Astronomy lecture this evening I was trying to find the special characters in Pages and I came across "Start Dictation". What this feature does is it will listen to what you say and turn it into type in your document. Anyways, I started the feature and so it was listening to my professor speak. I was only a couple rows back, but the computer was facing the wrong direction, so I knew it might not catch everything. The way it works is you start it, and then it keeps listening until you click done. Then it takes a moment to translate it and boom, the text is on the screen. However, it is not always accurate. Actually, I don't think it is ever accurate! And much to me and my friend's amusement, this is what it came up with listening to my professor talking about eclipses:

Doesn’t generally doesn’t
One shadow
Players rail
Homestead always bye
Stays up all night since last just some opposite
Lettuce dressing see it on the size on the celestial sphere place near penannular distant
But what you notice a nice relaxing
The other leg
Why doesn’t insult someone. Jim
Son lives at the center of the solar system there was a prison
This Wencella was Plaske
As the most direct evidence motion of them around here
Show additional evidence yes
Son is
CVS and pressing for geometry

The words in bold are things my professor actually said. As you can see, there are not many. When it says "son" it was most likely when my prof said "sun". The funny thing is that sometimes I would record a minute but then it would only give me one word. My personal favourite is butter. :)

Emperor's New Groove

Tuesday 17 September 2013


This chair is so awesome. It's like sitting on a trampoline. So if you're scrambling to find me a belated birthday gift, this is a wonderful idea.
Also, went to a Lego toy store yesterday (wow, was it really only yesterday?) and they had this giant Blackberry model in the window. I'm talking like 5'. It even has a real screen in it (which isn't made of Lego...).
And my floor mates celebrated my birthday by covering my door with sticky notes all saying happy birthday and other various things. 

Do It. Now.

You should all go put a towel in the dryer for a while and then take it out and embrace it. The warmth, the softness. The sheer gloriousness of it.


The number of keychains you have should not outnumber the number of keys you have on any given set of keys.

Monday 16 September 2013

The Tenth Doctor, Ladies and Gentlemen

(I don't even know what to call this post)

As a person who worked with kids all summer, I am used to seeing un-flushed toilets. Not necessarily any less grossed out, but used to it. After a few weeks, you get over it. Then you need to become the flusher, especially as staff. If the staff aren't going to flush it, who will right? So you get over yourself and flush the toilet. I still went and used a different stall, but at least now somebody else will use it. No big deal, once you get over the thought. However, I did not think that I would have to put up with that situation once I moved away to university. On an almost daily basis, I will walk into the bathroom and see that one of the toilets is not flushed. So being the nice person that I am, I flush it. But the thing that bothers me the most is that we are all over the age of 17. ARE WE NOT CAPABLE OF FLUSHING THE TOILET? I can understand how a kid might forget, but I mean come on. We are paying thousands of dollars to be here and get an education, yet we don't seem to be capable of FLUSHING TOILETS.
On a completely different note, my birthday was pretty awesome. It wasn't anything extravagant, but that's the way I like things. My mom drove up and we spent the afternoon in St Jacobs. It's a nice little town. You'll have to ask me sometime about a store called Pink Papayas. St Jacobs must have a thing about sock monkeys. They were in a majority of the stores we went in. The first one I saw I pointed out and said that I've always wanted a sock monkey. Then we kept seeing them and it was kind of weird. We ended up going back to the original store (my mom wanted some turkish delight) and she bought me the sock monkey. So here I am world, 18 years old with my first sock monkey and I couldn't be happier. Well, you get what I'm saying. I'm pretty excited about the little guy. I don't know what his name is going to be yet, or if he'll even get a name. I also got one of these:
(apparently they're called husband pillows...?). Mine is green and fuzzy. It is really nice for sitting on my bed with. There is a fairly substantial gap between my bed and the wall and my pillows always fell down. This works much better. Also, it matches my quilt :) I really like the whole colour scheme I've got going on in my room. Well, on my bed, the rest of the room is just...whiteish.
Anyways, I got back from dinner and was just sitting on my bed surfing the internet. I was doing that for about an hour when I thought, "It is my 18th birthday. I am officially 18 and I'm here looking at pins of Sherlock fandom stuff. What is my life right now."  So I called my friend who lives in the residence next door and said, "Do you want a cupcake?" (My mom brought some up for me :) ). But when she answered, it sounded like my BFFLAAT, which was not who I was intending to call. I thought maybe I had selected the wrong name, but I'll keep talking and maybe she'll start to sound more like herself. But it kept sounding like my BFFLAAT. I asked her about the cupcake, but I was still thinking it was my BFFLAAT and I thought, "What am I doing? She's hours away you can't offer her a cupcake!" Then my friend on the phone said come on over, so I knew I had called the right person. But during the entire phone call I thought it was my BFFLAAT. (Who I wish I could've offered a cupcake to!). I talked to my friend for a while, which was good. A much better way to spend one's 18th birthday than sitting alone in their dorm room. Overall, it was a pretty good birthday. I would mention the lack of presents, but I got my sock monkey and my pillow, so I'm happy. (I was going to write "I'm all good" but then I thought my dad might take it the wrong way and hold it against me and say that I said I didn't need any more presents).

I just died laughing watching this

A few of my favourites:
- Agent Coulson and Captain America and the hand
- Loki laying on the ground
- Dr. Banner and the clipboard

Sunday 15 September 2013


According to my dentist, I have the mouth of a 15 year old. Also, my fingers really hurt from the playing guitar non-stop for a long time (and having not played in such a long time).

Dancing Spiderman

It's true. My roommate is listening to music and it always works.