
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 28 February 2014

Follow That Bus

Some people choose to drive to Statford rather than take the bus, which, to be honest, I'll never understand. I mean, I get that people like driving and would rather be in their own car rather than sit on a bus. But really. It's not like its a 10 min drive or anything. It's an hour both ways. You could easily save yourself a lot of gas by taking the bus. The part that really gets me though is that some of them park in the parking lot literally across the road from where the buses load. I know one girl who drives, but she lives off campus so that's understandable. But I was sitting on the bus waiting for it to leave and people were literally walking around the bus to get to their car. Then there was this one guy who I was watching and he was just idling in the middle of the parking lot. Only when we left and he followed us did it occur to me that he probably doesn't even know how to get there; he's just going to follow us the entire way there. And to top it off, these people are driving SUVs and BMWs. In one case, a BMW SUV. Quite frankly, I wouldn't want to be driving at this hour.

Wednesday 26 February 2014


I think this is the one I'm going to go with, word-wise. So just if you have any comments about composition, etc. I wasn't sure whether to do "fe" or "male" in red (or a different colour? Oh! Maybe I should match the not equal sign colour, whatever I end up choosing, to be the same in this one. yes excellent. Annnd I'm pretty sure that made no sense whatsoever. You know what? It's my blog, I do what I like).

speaking of my blog and I do what I want....

 hehehe i have so many of them :3

little benedict kitten

I feel like I should just let you all know that I have my Italian midterm tomorrow and I spent this evening watching Sherlock bonus features on my BRAND NEW SHERLOCK SEASON THREE DVD.

No Angels

Ok and what about this one?

I tried to make the words look like an equal sign...is it too subtle?

104. What are you 5 favourite songs right now?

(Funny this question should be asked now because I am obsessed with "No Angels" right now).

1. No Angels, mix of TLC's "No Scrubs" and The xx's "Angels", Bastille feat. Ella
2. All of Me, John Legend
3. Let It Go, Idina Menzel
4. Same Love, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Mary Lambert
5. Gravity, Sara Bareilles

And I will stumble and fall / I'm still learning love / Just starting to crawl
- Say Something, A Great Big World feat. Christina Aguilera 
Ok, forget that garbage image. What about this?

Tuesday 25 February 2014

And So It Begins Again

What message do you get out of this?
(asap please :3 )

102. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Mom and Dad.

103. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
"Excellent" (in regards to my mom's baking)

So in a rhyme I wrote you down / Now you'll live through the ages / I can feel your pulse in the pages
I have written you down / Now you will live forever / And all the world will read you / And you will live forever / In eyes not yet created / On tongues that are not born

- Poet, Bastille

Monday 24 February 2014

Favourite T-Shirt

Let me tell you the story of my favourite t-shirt. It's from Old Navy. It's a v-neck, "vintage" style and it's this kind of reddish-verging-on-pinkish colour. I'm 87% sure it's not flattering on me, but I love it. It's so soft and comfortable. It's my go-to shirt when I don't know what to wear. (Side note: I'm convinced that everyone thinks I own the 7 shirts that I keep wearing over and over again when in reality I am wearing those shirts over and over again while my closet is over flowing with shirts.) Back to my favourite t-shirt: it's getting old. It is starting to wear thin and a small hole has formed near the bottom. So imagine my glee when I was online shopping at Old Navy and saw my favourite t-shirt was not only still being sold, but it was on sale. Naturally, I bought myself Favourite T-Shirt 2.0. I also bought Favourite T-Shirt 2.1, which is the same style, just in a charcoal grey colour. And that, ladies and gentleman, is how I happily came to own two of piece of clothing. :)

Sunday 23 February 2014

J, can I just say that every time I see that you've commented or sent me something, I get so happy. You make me smile.

Hank Green understands my pain. Honestly, I love the Green brothers more and more with every video they make.

101. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
When talking about it in the medical sense, it doesn't really. But when it's all hot-love-making, then yeah, that makes me uncomfortable.

Where we can talk like there's something to say
- 400 Lux, Lorde
Me: J sent me this pin
Sis: Is she trying to say "my love for you is running out?"

Saturday 22 February 2014

Dumb Left Hands?

Question Backstory: A majority of the world is right-handed (70-90% according to Wikipedia).  We do a majority of our tasks with our right hand and the left hand is noticeably less able. Some countries drive on the left hand side of the road, while others drive on the right (such as ourselves).  We use our right hand to change gears in standard vehicles. In places where people drive on the left hand side of the road (or, have right seated drivers), they switch gears with their left hand. This leads me to...
Question: Speaking about right handed people, would drivers in countries where they drive on the left hand side of the road have more-able left hands (because they use their left hands to switch gears) than those of us who drive on the right hand side (and switch gears with our right)?
Just a thought that's been on my mind...

In other Heather news, I had my FCC interview today. It went well. And I don't want to assume or get my hopes up, but if (when) they hire me, it's totally going to be for FSM (food service manager). Just sayin'.

Also, I love it when I find new Bastille music. Because I swear they are purposely not putting half their stuff on iTunes just to spite me. Makes it more exciting for me though I guess, because I get new music even when they aren't actually releasing anything. They won a Brit award, congrats to them!

99. Do you think you'll be in a relationship two months from now?
I might be, I might not be.

100. (Wow! 100 questions already!) Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Well, Josh keeps bringing himself up because he's been texting me. About the weather. We're not even in the same city! (And for a while, we weren't even in the same hemisphere! Well, close to it at least)

Apps this good, whose got time to make friends?
- A Wake, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Evan Roman

Thursday 20 February 2014

I'm Back!

So Jamaica was fun. Very relaxing, which I needed. Now I'm back to work (kind of). And is Canada awesome or what? In the olympics I mean, our weather is not comparable to Jamaica's. I was watching the women's ice hockey game today and it was intense. But we won, which was awesome. My brother got to play basketball at Budweiser Gardens today, which I'm sure was exciting for him. And then we watched the London Lightening game afterwards (we won). So a game filled day.

94. Are you outgoing or shy?

95. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Well, I'm not really planning on seeing anyone...I guess I'll be happy to see my university friends again when I go back.

96. Are you easy to get along with?
I like to think so

97. If you were drunk, would the person you like take care of you?
Let's be honest, I wouldn't be drunk in the first place

98. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Unattainable middle aged men:


Growing up is not so tough / Except when I've had enough
- Calliou Theme Song

Friday 14 February 2014

tumblr is my favourite

Tumblr changed the period in their logo to a heart for Valentine's Day. And when you hovered over it, you got a little Valentine :)

And also these tweets:

Wednesday 12 February 2014

I'm Not the Only One

from here


The assignment is we have to take an advertisement and alter it somehow, change its meaning.
Here's the original:
And here's what I've done:
Do you think the extra text at the bottom is too much? Or like it doesn't flow? "Taste it all. All the chemicals."

I got a lot done today. Well, not any more so than other days, but I got it done a lot faster. So this evening has been more relaxed, which is nice. But I still have studying to do. I've finished rereading all the chapters and making notes. Now I have to actually make sure I know it. -_-

94. Are you outgoing or shy?
Shy, but I've become less so over the past year or so.

There are fights for being my best friend
 - The Love Club, Lorde
Since, you've all been asking, here's how the bubble tea outing went (it's just copied from an email, so it might read a little weird? maybe not):
The outing with Josh was ok. We walked over to the plaza and got bubble tea and sat in the store while drinking the tea. We just chatted. We haven't talked a lot so we were just kind of getting to know each other better. But we're both awkward at having conversations, so that makes things interesting. The way he keeps conversations going is he'll say "tell me a story". Or "what is there exciting about you"? And I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, obviously we would both like there to be conversation, and not silence, but he backs out and forces me to come up with a new conversation topic. I would be okay with it, but he does it every time there's a lull in the conversation. He was shocked to learn that I'm half Chinese (he literally was taken aback when I told him my last name). But apparently I don't know enough Asian stuff, so he's going to teach me all this Asian stuff? He's shocked that I don't read comics. (Like, he has a thing for over-reacting a little bit. But I think that is going back to the awkward conversation; he doesn't want to seem like he's not interested, so he goes over the top.) Says him, who has a comic book as one of his textbooks and doesn't want to read it -_- I convinced him to watch Frozen though. I told him I would watch the Batman series if he watched Frozen. But it's not like I actually have time to watch movies right now. 

92. Do you want to get married?

93. Who was the last person you held hands with?
I have a memory of holding hands recently for a strange reason. Like the reason I had to hold hands was weird, not the fact that I have a memory of it. But I can't get at it. Lethologica. So the clear memory I have of holding hands was with Ryan, who is in my program, my art class and lives in Renison. I am not great friends with Ryan, he's not really the kind of person I would hang out with normally, but I don't know anybody else in my art class, so yeah. We had just come back from our art class and Uthi, a girl on my floor also in GBDA and who is closer to Ryan, was walking through a hall in Renison. Ryan said, "Grab my hand and start skipping. We're going to freak Uthi out." He didn't really give me a chance to even think about what he had said, so skipping down the hall I went, holding hands with Ryan. We both had huge grins on our faces and were acting like we were the happiest couple to ever walk the earth. We passed Uthi and her mouth just dropped. I have to admit, it was pretty funny.

I found these definitions on tumblr. I have no idea whether they're true or if the words even exist. But I like them :)
"Proprietary Eponym" is the thing I was talking about here

Sherlock: Character who gives you mixed emotions. 
Mary Mortsan.

You know I'm bad at communication, it's the hardest thing for me to do
- The Wire, Haim

Sunday 9 February 2014

Here We Go Again

Ok, I think this one is a lot better:
Specifically, what do you think of the shadows of the leaves on the sundial? Do you think they're too "perfect"?
Yes? No?

My Life: A Summary

- minimum of 5 hours of studying each day
    - 2.5 hrs each for econ and business (I'm doing a chapter a day; I thought it would take me 45mins to an hour for each chapter, since I'm just reviewing what I've already read, but it's been taking me at least two hours)
- doing an image for my bookwork assignment for my art class
- which never turns out how I imagine in my brain
- so that just depresses me
- cause my hands are not the artist my brain is
- lack of sleep
- second and third winds, preventing sleep when I can actually have it
- drowning my sorrows in tea and baked goods (Timmies has these really good red velvet muffins right now)
- I like tea better with sugar, I've discovered
- which, you would think, wouldn't be a big deal
- but it is because the caf has sugar
- and I don't. So now if I want tea with sugar, it has to be when the caf is open
- which is never when I feel like tea
- going on an awkward outing with a boy that likes me
- drinking bubble tea on said outing
- which, quite frankly, was disgusting
- the bubble tea, that is
- there's this kind of middle aged man that works at Renison, doing maintenance stuff and odd jobs and whenever I see him, I just smile. Cause he seems like one of those guys that would just be really great to hang out with, like he would always be happy
- tea/sugar update: I've stolen some sugar packages from the caf
- but they're sugar alternatives, so I'm sure it will not be as good
- listening to Coldplay's "Fix You"
- avoiding my 5 hours of studying by writing this post
-  oh I also forgot to mention the hour of photoshop tutorials I need to watch
- because heaven forbid I don't know how to use the eraser tool and I need to watch a 5 minute video on it
- complaining to the void (you guys) about my problems
- which are nothing compared to the problems in Africa, which were mentioned in this morning's service
- I'm sitting by a window and these two squirrels keep running back and forth
- two mid-terms, a presentation, three chapter readings, and an assignment all (due) on Friday
- residence weekend brunches are my fav meals of the week because they have baked beans and pastries
- eating said pastries despite the fact that I already had a muffin
- I forgot to mention earlier that the muffin I got from Timmies was fresh baked; that's the pro of being up early, they've just opened and so everything was still warm and soft and gooey on the inside
- listening to Coldplay's "The Scientist"
- this post is taking longer to write that I originally thought
- apparently my time judgement is just completely off these days
- I went to the bank
- but forgot it was Sunday and the morning
- so it was closed
- so I couldn't get the loonies I need for laundry
- so that will be interesting when laundry day comes around (Wednesdays)
- I read on the bus
- because that's the only time I can find to read
- and I've really missed reading
- my tea has gone cold because I've been too busy typing to drink it 
- strawberry danish and red velvet muffin down, bread pudding to go
- I was going to try and stop eating to much in the pathetic hopes that I would look half decent in my bathing suit next week
- but to hell with that
- speaking of next week
- I can't even get excited because I have so much stuff to do
- including packing for next week
- which I'm stressing out about
- cause I'll probably forget something important
- like my bathing suit
- and I'm going to have to haul it all to Stratford
- don't even get me started on Stratford right now
- I am just about done with that place
- more specifically the campus/courses/professors
- damn this is taking a long time; listening to Hunter Hayes' "Invisible"
- I just dropped a piece of my bread pudding -_-
- my skind is really dry
- like, never before in my life has my skin been this dry
- the skin over my knuckles is cracking and splitting
- it's not like I needed that skin anyways
- the LEGO Movie got 97% on Rotten Tomatoes
- which makes me really happy
- cause I want to see it
- but now I really want to see it
- just watched The LEGO Movie trailer
- here, you can too:
- yeah and now I'm basically just stalling to avoid work
- oh hey I can do my daily things
- (the squirrels just ran by again)

91. Best room for a fireplace?
a cold one?

Sherlock: Character everyone likes but you don't.
Probably Anderson. Everyone hated him up until season three, where he was the only one who believed in Sherlock. And I really liked learning more about him in this season. But I'm still not a huge fan though.

I'm sitting pretty on the throne / There's nothing more I want / Except to be alone
- The Love Club, Lorde

Saturday 8 February 2014

QOTD #90 (Second Wind)

So today on the bus back to Waterloo I was trying to do some studying for economics. But I was super tired, and kind of nodding off as I was typing notes. Eventually I just fell asleep for like 20 mins. But man, I felt so much better afterwards. Even though I only slept for a short time, I was roaring and ready to go again. Anyways, since I didn't get much studying done on the bus, I did some this evening. I went to pick up where I had fallen asleep and it was like a drunk person had been typing. There were random letters, random words, short coherent sentences, spaces of nothing, etc. It was hilarious.
Also, at dinner, I was sitting alone. There's this guy who sometimes if he sees me eating alone will come sit with me. I'm like 89.7% sure he likes me. He's always, in his own words, "baffled" when he talks to me. And I was like, well so am I so we can just be awkward together. I didn't actually say the awkward together part. But he asked for my number (after asking if I had FB). And so yeah. Interesting story of the day. Heather gets further than ever before in a relationship with a boy (I don't know what you want to call this).

It's 1AM right now, and I'm totally on my third wind. I'm really wound up right now cause all I've been doing for the past 4 hours is typing study notes. I think I may have to go take a walk around Renison. I'm going to start painting for a project I have. Like I said, wound up, not really thinking with the most common sense. Painting at 1AM!

90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
I won't have sex before marriage, but other people are entitled to their own opinions and what they do with their sexual desires. (I've been spending too much time on tumblr...I'm trying to make sure I don't offend anyone and justify my answer...)

Sherlock: Character you love now more than ever before.
Jim Moriarty.

I would rather have you than vaporize
By your lunar reflection in the sky

- Regarding Your Lover, Foy Vance

Friday 7 February 2014

More Art (sigh)

Ok, what about this one with the sundial? I'm not really good at this whole photoshop stuff (how ironic). So, if any of you have tips on how to make it look less photoshoped, lemme know. Or other tips on composition and such. Let me hear it. Be a critic.

My Favourite PSA Ever

damn right I support it

QOTD #89

89. Which are better, black or green olives?
Neither, all olives are disgusting.

Sherlock: Character you used to love but don't anymore.
Wow, I don't think there's a character that I hate that I loved in the first place. I guess the more and more I saw of CAM, the more I hated him, but I didn't exactly love him to begin with.

You can't choose what stays and what fades away
- No Light, No Light, Florence + the Machine

Thursday 6 February 2014


watch the entire thing. i can't even get over this. i'm freaking out. the fricking timing throughout the entire thing. omg. not even

Wednesday 5 February 2014

QOTD #88

88. Ever had plastic surgery?

Sherlock: Character you feel you should hate but you don't.
Jim Moriarty.
(Also, about the character that I actually hate, I hate Charles Augustus Magnussen more than DI Dimmock or Kitty Riley.

You reach for me when it's undeserved
- Don't Give Up On Me, MercyMe

More Art Opinions!

Ok, totally different assignment from typography.
I'm going for a minimalist look. Do you think I should add sand, or leave it as it is?

(hopefully you got this, but it's an hourglass)

And how bad is this?

Typography #3

Ok, what about this one:

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Typography part 2

Ok but now instead of curious, what about


This week I have assignment about typography: Choose 5 words and interpret the meaning of the word using a typeface that represents the characteristics of the words you have chosen.

So basically, tell me what you think. Does the font represent the word? Do you think there is a font that would do the job better?

87. Ever won a contest?
My youth group had a super hero costume contest once, and I dressed up as Light Girl (or something like that). Basically I had a bunch of different lights on me. And I won. My prize was the giant Staples calculator, which I had only been wishing I owned forever. So yeah, it was pretty awesome. 

Sherlock: Character you dislike.
Either D.I. Dimmock
or Kitty Riley

'Cause everybody's got their way I should feel
- Be Be Your Love, Rachael Yamagata