
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 30 April 2014

On Wednesdays, we wear pink!

Happy 10th Anniversary to the release of Mean Girls!  Went shopping in the states today, and may I just say something? If you have to pin the clothes smaller to fit your mannequins, it probably means that there is something wrong with the size of your mannequins. I only saw it once, but I've definitely seen it multiple times, in both the states and in Canada. Ridiculous. Anyway, got some great deals! Went to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier this evening with my friend Croissant. It was so good to see her again! Aaaah, she makes me so happy every time I see her. And the movie was really good too.

157. Names of your best friends?
My bestest best friend: my BFFLAAT :)

Tuesday 29 April 2014


He also looks so young. This man is impossible.

156. Are you watching TV right now?
Nope, bout to beat my dad in some Rummikub

Monday 28 April 2014


I frickin love Martin Freeman.

(In case any of you were wondering, (cleaning lady's name) came on Friday, a day after I was told she was coming :/ )

Also, only nine (?!) days till I go to camp!

152. Are you hungry right now?
Surprisingly, no.

153. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
No (I don't really have any tumblr friends?).

154. Facebook or Twitter?

155. Twitter or tumblr?
tumblr all the way.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Picking Things Up

Last night my mom said, "(cleaning lady's name) is coming tomorrow, so you need to be out of bed by 9:30 so that she can clean." I, of course, was none to happy with that. It's not even the getting up early part I have a problem with, its the having to make sure there's nothing on the floor so she can clean it. That's the annoying part. Especially since I still haven't finished putting everything away. Regardless, I was up at 9:30 and my floor was clear. Now, our cleaning lady is known to not always show up on time, so I wasn't surprised when she wasn't here at 10am. However, it is now after 1pm and she still hasn't shown up. So I'm guessing she's not coming. But then I realized, my mom hadn't left the cheque out for her like she usually does. So either, (cleaning lady's name) came so early I missed her or she's not coming today. I highly doubt she came earlier than usual, because I would've woken up from the vacuum running. So now I'm calling BS on (cleaning lady's name) coming today and my mom said that just to make me wake up at a decent time (which, contrary to popular belief, I do more often than not).

151. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
HAHAHAHA. Hahahaha. hahahaha.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

I believe in yesterday

I swear our house only receives phone calls when I'm home all day and there is nobody else to answer it. Seriously. There have been 5 (update: 6) phone calls this afternoon. This is ridiculous. Also, I've been wasting a lot of time on sporcle.com recently. I did a quiz to see if I knew John's speech that he gave at Sherlock's grave (I do. I'm not sure if that's something to be happy about or if I should start crying...).
I'm just going to continue this post now, even though I started it yesterday. My hair appointment took longer than expected, and then I went to see Divergent with my BFFLAAT. It was so good! And it was so good to see my BFFLAAT again (I can't wait to be seeing you every day again!!!! CAMP!!!) I got some red highlights. It was a long process because the first time she did them, they didn't show up, so she had to put in some highlights and then put the red dye back in. But I'm happy with how it turned out. It's definitely going to take some getting used to.

150. Been arrested? For what?
You guys may be in for a shock here....I have not been arrested.

Monday 21 April 2014

147. Last thing you ate?
Baskin 31 Robins ice cream (pistachio almond and cookies n cream in a waffle cone)

148. First thing you ate this morning?
Nutella on white bread (today hasn't exactly been a healthy day...)

149. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Nope and nope.

I read them all one day / When loneliness came and you were away / Oh they told me nothing new, / But I love to read the words you used
- Things We Lost In The Fire, Bastille

Friday 18 April 2014

I never blog when I'm at home...

wooohooo! Home again, this time for good. Well, for three weeks at least. Then I'm off to camp (which I am so excited for!!!) I honestly did not think I had so much stuff, but the entire back of the van was stuffed full with all the stuff I had in my dorm room. It's a good thing only my mom came to pick me up, because otherwise somebody would've had to sit on the roof on the way home. But it's good to be back, even if it's only for a little while. We watched Monsters University this evening, which I hadn't seen before, and I really enjoyed it. I thought it was pretty funny. And I loved the short film, The Blue Umbrella. I'm going to sewing tomorrow morning (9AM *sigh*) to hopefully get some more work done on a quilt I'm doing for someone. I haven't done any sewing in almost a year.

142. Favourite makeup brand?
I don't really have a lot of experience in this area, but I guess I'll say Mac?

143. Favourite store?
Well this is a very broad question and I don't like it. I like unique stores. Stores that sell unique things. There's this toy store in a mall in Ottawa that I really like. They have typical toys, but then they also have all the weird toys you always hear about but never see in person. So that's cool. I really like online stores too :3

144. Favourite blog?
obbsessionsareme.blogspot.ca, obviously.

145. Favourite colour?

146. Favourite food?

Sunday 13 April 2014

Cute Little Ducks

There are these two little ducks that hangout in the creek/river/body of water near Renison. There are not a lot of ducks around (unlike the geese) and so I'm pretty sure it's the same pair I see every time. It'a a male and female, and whenever I see one, I see the other. They're always together. This morning when I walked by the creek/river/body of water, they were sleeping and just drifting around, side by side, in the water. They're so cute! Later on they waddled by my window and then chilled outside my friend's window.  eeeee little duckies!

Wish me luck on my econ exam!

139. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
Navy blue (from Iconic Outfitters).

140. Ever wish you were someone else?
I've daydreamed about being someone else for a day, or something along those lines, but I would never truly wish to be someone else.

141. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
Although I've definitely gained more over the last 8 months, I wish I had more confidence in myself.

Saturday 12 April 2014


As a sewer, you would think I would know how this works, and I did have a vague idea, but this was very helpful in my understanding of how a sewing machine works.
Hopefully I'll get some sewing done in the short time span between the end of school and the start of camp (only 25 more days!!!)

Friday 11 April 2014

Theo James

Something I read a while ago really annoyed me. Theo James, male lead actor in Divergent, gave an interview for the Cineplex magazine. He was talking about how the movie had some really deep characters and how it was about nature vs nurture and he was putting his philosophy training to work. I really appreciated the deeper analysis than the "OMG she loves him but he doesn't love her, or does he?" He says "....Essentially, it's a question of are you restricted to one way of thinking? And the answer, really, is no." I was thinking to myself, I really like Theo. And then, and then. The author of the article goes, and I quote, "It's heady stuff, but let's not forget Divergent is also an action-packed love story aiming to attract The Hunger Games' crowd and make stars out of both James and the film's lead, Shailene Woodley."

(Hey mom, do you recognize him? He was in an episode of Downton Abbey as Mr. Pamuk)

Thursday 10 April 2014

Geese Watch

I can't remember how much I've talked about Waterloo's geese issue, but I'm going to now. They are everywhere. Walking on a path, walking on the road, everywhere. They know how to find you. Even when you are inside, you can never escape the never ending honking. And guess what, right now its nesting season. So they make nests. And become extremely protective of these nests. And violent (but to be fair, they're always violent). You think, oh surely this is an exaggeration. No. I invite you to visit UWaterloo's very own Geese Watch '14. We here at Waterloo don't mess around.

137. Have you ever been drunk?

138. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Well if I have, I'm not bloody likely going to post it here.

*I was about to say that I've never had alcohol, but that isn't even true! omg

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Jumping High in the Sky

I went trampolining! Trampoline-ing? Jumping. I went jumping. But it was so much fun! My friend Mara invited me to go with her, she's done it a couple times before. It was really fun. They have 6 olympic-standard trampolines and we had the entire facility to ourselves. I even worked up the courage to try a front flip and (after multiple attempts) completely nailed it. It was so awesome. I've always been so scared of doing flips and such but once you've done it, it's not even that bad. And it was only $9 for an hour of jumping, which is awesome. We "studied" while jumping. And by studying I really mean asked each other a couple questions and then gave up and just jumped. But really, it was studying, exercise and a stress relief all in one. So I'm not even feeling guilty about going out the day before my exam when clearly I have studying to do. We got slushies afterwards. Really, it was all quite ideal.
And this is just something worth watching. The look on the kid's face! Oh my gosh. It had me laughing.

Monday 7 April 2014

If Google Was a Guy

This is an April Fool's joke I whole-heartedly support. 

135. What are you paranoid about?
I don't really think I'm paranoid about anything (my dictionary defines it as "unreasonably or obsessively anxious, suspicious, or mistrustful").  I mean, I guess I could be considered paranoid about my exams. I know I was paranoid when I was waiting to get my econ midterm mark back.

136. Have you ever been high?
On laughter, yes.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Real Fruit

Something I learned in my international business class is that there are companies named things like "Real Fruit" and "Natural Flavours". Now, from a design point of view, one would wonder why such simple names? Nobody is going to notice you with a name like that! Well, my dear friends, that is precisely the point. Companies name themselves these simple terms because they often appear on packaging, meant to lure us, the customers, in with the appeal of "real" food, and not chemicals. This way, a food producing company can use the products from the company "Real Fruit" and then label their package "Contains Real Fruit!". Except our definition of real fruit and their definition of real fruit differ greatly. Who knows, maybe the company "Real Fruit" actually uses real fruit. But between you and me, if they have to use that name and that marketing strategy, then it probably isn't real fruit. This is why it is so important to do research and not just believe everything you see.
soooo what do we think???
expect lots of changes, going back and forth....
decisions were never easy for me

Saturday 5 April 2014


There's a girl walking around on the "field" outside my window and it's really throwing me off. I keep hearing her footsteps as she tramps around in all the dead leaves. Sometimes she comes really close to my window. I don't think she realizes that I'm there, and she definitely does not know that my window is open and I can hear everything she's saying:
- she's done with exams on the 14th (just like me)
- her friend goes back to work in a couple weeks (I go to camp in a month)
- her exam is based of stuff they went over in class (...duh)
Completely oblivious. I just stared at her for a solid minute. Nothing. She also cannot stand still to save her life. I should point out that while it is close to a door to Renison, this "field" is not exactly close to any paths or anything. It makes me wonder why she choose there. Ha. Probably because she didn't think she would be heard by anybody there. Well you thought wrong, darling. It's so funny to be sitting here writing about her while she's just a few feet away from me, yet she is completely unaware. But I guess that's the media and paparazzi for you.
At least she's scared the geese away. For now.


132. Do you smile at strangers?
Sometimes. If they smile at me, definitely.

133. Trip to outer space or the bottom of the ocean?
Oh wow. Probably space. But man there's still so much we don't know about the ocean when it's so close to us.

134. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
The thought that I'll be wasting my day if I don't. Also class (but not anymore!!!) No more early morning Fridays ever!!!! Aw yea!!!!

This is on John Green's website under his FAQ for TFioS and I loved it so much:
Q. Do you think Gus is a heroic character? What about Hazel?
A. Yes, I think Gus is a hero.
For me, the hero’s journey is not the voyage from weakness to strength. The true hero’s journey is the voyage from strength to weakness.
And to my mind, that makes Gus very heroic, indeed.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Cadillac's commercial for their new ELR:
And Ford's reaction:
And I say:

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Happy April Fools!

Tumblr gave you the option to go tumblr PRO, which obviously I did. After watching a video, it gave your icon a little top hat. Once you became PRO, you could also see everyone else who was pro, because their icon would also have a top hat. It was pretty cute.
And it just so happens that it lined up perfectly to make it look like I was wearing the hat. :)
Youtube made a video about how they control what becomes a viral video, and revealed what this year's memes are going to be. And Google announced that whoever could find the most Pokemon hiding around the world in Google Maps would be allowed to work at Google starting in September. Man, I love what websites do for April Fool's.
Oh, and the First Lady announced she's running for President 2016 (with Hilary Clinton as her VP).

I can't believe I did this.

And so close to the end too. I mean really, the last week of my first year of university. And look at what I've done.

I skipped class.

My italian class. To be fair, we were just watching more presentations and doing some exam review. But since the exam isn't cumulative and she already handed out the review, so I didn't see the need to go. And I mean it's not like I decided to skip ahead of time. I was working on my digital art assignment cause I had some time before class started, and I just really got into my art I guess. I had only missed about 15 minutes of class by the time I noticed I was late. But then I figured, why go? So I didn't. I feel kind of guilty. But I also had this huge adrenaline rush and felt like a total rebel. :)

130. What do you want to do after high school?
(One would hope that the upcoming answer is "what I'm doing right now").
Yeah, probably what I'm doing right now. Not as in skipping class, but going to university, being in GBDA. It's a good life.

131. If you're being extremely quiet, what does it mean?
Usually I'm embarrassed/nervous.

Maybe the Internet raised us, or maybe people are jerks
- A World Alone, Lorde

Oh, and Happy April Fool's Day!