
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 30 December 2011


This is not going to be a long post - I just felt bad after only posting 18 times out of a possible 31.  So I figured I should post.  I bought Christina Perri's lovestrong album today, listening to it right now.  I should probably go to bed soon, I'm babysitting tomorrow and I'm sure it will be after midnight when the parents get back.  I'd better get a good pay.  My parents are having a few friends over to celebrate and I'm gonna miss all the food they are making right now.  :(  oh well.  The song of the day is Safe & Sound - Taylor Swift feat. The Civil Wars.  Its one of the first songs to be released that's going to be on the Hunger Games Soundtrack. So excited!
Tip for anybody writing an essay that has to be a certain length that you think will be hard to achieve if it needs to be double spaced: don't double space it at first, then double space it and bada-boom, bada-bing! You have a lot more than you thought you did! (this happened to me today).

This is a quote from DW, the red writing is the Doctor, and the blue writing is Idris, the "spirit" of the TARDIS in a human body.  It probably doesn't make sense to you, but I just love it!

Thursday 29 December 2011

Free Time

Wow, it's been a week since I've posted.  I guess my excuse was Christmas, which was totally awesome!!! We visited some family over the weekend, and then some more family came over yesterday.  Lots of presents!!! I haven't decided which one is my favourite yet.  One thing I did get was a half-pound Reese peanut butter cup.  That's right, half a pound.  It is HUGE!!! It is the size of my hand, and it is so beautiful.  I dunno if I want to eat it, just cause its so awesome.  I also got a bunch of regular sized peanut butter cups, which I have no problem eating! I was working on my essay that is due the second day back earlier today, didn't get very far considering how long I worked on it.  I have a feeling that writing this essay will be hard.  Not much else going on, I've been watching all the DW episodes I recorded on Christmas. Have I mentioned that I love DW? Cause I do.  It is so good! I keep freaking out at my friend who told me about DW as I find out what happens.  I think she thinks that I've lost it :)  I try and limit how many episodes I watch a day, but it's not working out well.  We had some friends over to scrapbook earlier this week, and so our scrapbooking stuff is still covering the dining room table.  I wish I had a picture inventory of all my scrapbook stuff so that I wouldn't forget about some of the stuff I have. Hope your holidays are going well (that is, if you have a holiday).  

Friday 23 December 2011


So I was looking up paintings cause for our final art project, we are to take a painting and alter it somehow.  It could be simply putting a fold in the painting, or you can actually change part of the painting.  So I was looking up some of Rene Magrritte's paintings, cause her paintings seem like they would be easy to change something of, and I came across this:
For those of you who don't understand French, its says "This is not a peep." It is a parody on this painting:
This is one of my favourite paintings.  (This one says, "This is not a pipe.")  You say, well of course it's a pipe.  Enh. (that's my wrong answer buzzer sound in words...) It is a painting of a pipe, but it is not simply a pipe.  It is for this reason that I like Magritte so much.


Thursday 22 December 2011


I am SO glad that today is over.  All those tests and assignments, finally finished! I honestly don't know what we are going to do tomorrow in class.  Oh well, I'm fine with doing nothing!  All day I have had Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri stuck in my head.  It was also stuck in my head when I was trying to fall asleep.  I hate it when you have a singe line of a song stuck in your head, but you can't remember any other part of the song.  That happened to me last night.  And I was not happy.  I was tired restless, I couldn't fall asleep and I was panicking about being really tired for my tests, then I started panicking that I would forget everything, then I was panicking about panicking so much...it wasn't good.  This is an ambigram from Angels and Demons.  It says "EARTH AIR FIRE WATER"  If you turn the entire picture upside down, it says the same thing.  Each word upside down individually also says another one of the words.  EARTH upside down is WATER, and FIRE is AIR.  Pretty cool, huh?

Wednesday 21 December 2011


Ugh, this has been such a hectic week.  I have a pyhsics AND chemistry test tomorrow, and I have a thesis statement for English due tomorrow.  There is a Macbeth culminating activity due on friday.  I am freaking out.  I am taking break from studying, I have headache.  The only class that has stopped for the year is art.  We started watching Angels and Demons today.  My teachers excuse for letting us watch it is that it (kind of) deals with art history.  So far, I've really like it.  It wasn't what I thought it would be, but mind you I had never heard of it before last week, so....  There is a slightly concerning lack of presents under our tree right now.  Some have been packed up because we are going to visit family, but still.  Usually we are shoving presents into corners because there is no more room under the tree.  Only 4 more days.  It seems a little slightly surreal, and unless a huge snow storm comes by, we will be having a green Christmas.  Have you seen this doll before? Probably not, because she was just released a few days ago in Europe.  She is the new girl Lego doll.  I don't think I like her.  That might just be because I grew up with the other minifigure.  I dunno, Lego has always been directed at boys, it seems kind of weird to me that now they are making girly Lego...

Monday 19 December 2011


So the thing that I couldn't wait for was my BFFLAAT's sweet 16 par-tay!!! We went in a limo :O and drove around and had a progressive dinner.  So much FUN!!! Seriously though, major extreme funness going on all night.  I had never been inside a limo before (unless you count seeing the inside of one on tv...) and it was so cool! Pretty lights and music and comfy couches...the life of luxury.  I sat in different places each time to get the feel of every spot (some of my friends were mad at me for taking their spot!) and I have to say I think the best place is at the very front facing the back.  The only down side is that there is a speaker there, so if you have the music blasting (and we did) it's right in your ear.  Also, there's always the awkward corner spot where someone sits, but there really isn't room anywhere for them to put their feet.  But other than that, it was pretty awesome.  We got our limo driver (who was really nice) to drive around Victoria Park, and it was beautiful. We started taking pictures out of the window, and some people saw us and were confused, cause why would the person in the limo be taking pictures of them, right? Cause usually people are taking pictures of the limo.  Speaking of which, when we first got on the road, we liked it when the limo caught people's attention and were looking at us, but then some people started taking pictures of us. So we rolled down the window, and the people taking the pictures were doing a scavenger hunt and needed a picture of a limo.  So one of my friends yelled, "We have a limo!" It was pretty funny.  Later on we saw other people taking pictures of us with paper and pens so we assumed that they were part of the same scavenger hunt.  It was an overall great night.  Happy Sweet 16, BFFLAAT! (even though you won't read this...mwahahahaha!)
This song has been stuck in my head all day: I Want To Hold Your Hand - Beatles, except only the glee version.  I really like what they did with it.

Friday 16 December 2011

Thursday 15 December 2011


I was moping around after school today.  Well, not really moping, but being quiet and emotionless enough that my family commented.  My mom asked whether it was because I was stressed about school.  I said yes, just to get her off my back, but then realized it was the truth.  I have got the first (of many) pages done for my English ISP project.  I think it needs to be at least 5 pages long, about a page a minute I guess.  I always tend to speak really fast when in front of an audience, so maybe 6 pages would be better.  My teacher said that she would ask us questions, so I'm hoping she asks lot of questions, to add to how long my presentation is.  My teacher hasn't yet told us what day we are presenting on, it could be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.  That is a big difference.  I just pray that I don't go on Monday.  I could have it all written by then, but I would not have it memorized.  Wednesday would be nice.  Not first, not last.  I have started reading this book called Daughter of Smoke and Bone, and so far it is really good.  My friend just lent me one of her books, Looking for Alaska, which is one I have wanted to read for a long time, but I probably won't start it until next week.  I have so much stuff going on: chemistry lab tomorrow and Monday, art history test tomorrow, ISP presentation on an unknown day, chemistry test Thursday, physics test Thursday (and you know how I love physics!) and an English Macbeth project due Thursday.  And I'm busy all weekend (celebrating a very important birthday girl), so I have to work my butt off some other time.  *sigh*

Tuesday 13 December 2011


Another day gone.  Another day closer to the Christmas break.  One less day for me to study/work on all the school work I have going on right now.  All the teachers are rushing to try and finish off the unit before the break so they can start fresh in the new year.  That means there will probably be a lot of tests and due dates.  I am most worried about my ISP project in English.  We have to identify three archetypal characters from the book we are reading and do a 5-10 min presentation for the teacher.  Not in front of the class, just in front of the teacher.  Some think this is better, some think it is worse.  I happen to think it might be a little better, but not by much.  I have never been really out-going, and I do not like talking in front of people formally.  If I'm with my friends, I can talk nonstop (depending on how hyper I am), but around everyone else I am very quiet.  Not as much as before when I was younger, but I'm still pretty quiet.  My family will beg to differ.  I like having a blog.  It makes me think about how my day was, really.  Often when I am asked how my day goes, I say it was good, sometimes just to get out of having to go into further detail.  More often my day was OK, there were some good moment, and some bad ones.  That makes me think of a quote, which will now be my picture.  The Doctor said this quote.  OMG, which makes me think about the fact that all day on Dec. 25 there is a DW marathon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This is major news. Now I know what you're thinking: does she realize that is Christmas?  Not to fear, I have recorded the entire day, and I am so excited!!!

Sunday 11 December 2011


Some days I just don't feel like talking.  Today is one of those days.  I've a watched a lot of tv this weekend.  I bought the movie Beastly yesterday, so I watched that.  It was pretty good, I hadn't read the book in awhile, so I don't have anything to complain about in terms of book-to-movie, mainly because I forget :$  After that, the Sherlock Holmes movie was on, so I watched most of that.  Then I watched a couple episodes of Glee.  Then today, I was watching more Glee.  That was my weekend, basically.  Song of the day is The One That Got Away - Katy Perry.  This is a picture of the "Beast" in Beastly.

Friday 9 December 2011

Do I Know You...?

Who knew tuning forks could be so much fun? I didn't.  We did a lab in physics today with tuning forks, so we were all playing with them and putting them next to our ears.  Probably not a good idea.  I have a headache now.  Oh well.  I'd do it again :)  Rule number one when you are trying (but not really) to watch what you eat.  I just had a slice of cake and now I regret it.  My brother has a peanut allergy, so we often have to read the ingredients to make sure it's ok for him, but then you know how processed and "fake" some of the foods you eat really are.  It youth group night again, where did the week go? It is deal or no deal themed tonight, not really sure what that means.  I have learned not to get to excited about event based on their names, because the youth leaders often make up their own version or we only do it for a part of the evening.  But it's fun anyways.  I don't have much to say, I still have a bunch of shopping to do.  Oh, and Cinderella last night was really good.  Did you know that the actor playing prince charming was in the Hairspray movie?  Actually, so was the actor playing the stepmother.  but get this, they had never met before the show before. Apparently this is really common, if you are not in the same scene ever, you most likely won't meet other cast members.  Also, movie take so long, you could be filming the same movie months apart.  So it was pretty cool to see them find out they were in the same movie.  I'm gonna go watch Hairspray and find him. 

Thursday 8 December 2011

Christmas Time

I have no homework tonight!!!  Freedom is sweet.  I watched a couple episodes of Glee, we are working our way through season 1 (we are renting the DVDs).  I have to say, even though the way they make them singing the song seem natural and somewhat plausible is just plain sad, I enjoy watching it.  I am going to see Cinderella at the Grand tonight, the second show of the season.  Every year they pick a family appropriate play during Christmas, so as a family we always went to see the "Christmas special".  But now I see all of them through the student club.  I am really looking forward to seeing this one.  It sounds so magical.  Just another great Christmas feeling.  The week is almost over, I can't wait until the weekend!

Wednesday 7 December 2011


Another day almost over.  Shout out to my mom, whose birthday is today.  Personally, I wouldn't want my birthday so close to Christmas.  I would like to have it half way, so sometime in July or August, but then you don't get to hear your name announced at school, so then I think sometime in June, but June is too hot and your birthday gets lost in all of the end-of-school commotion.  April would be nice, or May.  Not March, cause if its over March break then no one is around to celebrate.  February and January are sluggish months.  Its still snowy, but its all brown and yucky.  Then December is Christmas, so not then, November is still too close and October is Halloween and still kinda close to Christmas.  September's no good either cause everybody is starting school.  Really, there is no ideal month to have your birthday.  But if I could change mine, I wouldn't.  Just cause I would probably still say when my birthday is now.

Tuesday 6 December 2011


So here I am counting down the days until Christmas.  Why does time always seem to slow down when something enjoyable is going to happen, but speed by when something unenjoyable is going to happen?  We decorated our tree over the weekend.  We have a fake tree.  Did you know that having a real tree is actually more environmentally friendly than having a fake tree unless you have the fake tree for over 20 years?  Cause that's how long (on average) it takes a fake tree to decompose, whereas a real tree will be gone within months.  This week for our sketchbook we got a freebie.  I don't hate freebies as much as I used to anymore.  I have decided to do the picture displayed above.  I wasn't sure at first I wanted to do this picture, because there are three faces, and I always screw faces up.  But so far it's not too bad.  Mind you, I've only done the Doctor's face (center) so far. And see where he's holding the sonic screwdriver (the thing with the green light on the end)?  See how it's really bright and awfully VAGUE around there? How am I supposed to draw that????? Amy and Rory are the other two faces.  This is a picture from DW series 6, and I really REALLY want to know why they are looking at a space helmet!

Monday 5 December 2011


So I found this blog called Things We Forget and I must say it is one of my new favourite sites.  I love all the quotes and sayings used, and I love the idea that maybe somebody will read it and you might make their day better.  I just finished my physics lab.  I really enjoy doing labs, because they usually help me better understand whats going on, they are fun, and they are a nice break from the write-a-note-do-some-questions routine.  I decorated stockings after school at my BFFLAAT's house.  It has become a tradition.  We make them for families that aren't as fortunate as ours, to help them have a better Christmas.  Last year we decorated over 60 stockings, but this year there were only 20.  It was good, cause I guess that means that the other kids have better lives now (or not, I dunno) but it's sad cause it means there's not as many stockings to decorate.  I got volunteer hours for it, that was nice.  The song of the day is River Flows In You.  Another one of my BFFLAAT's friends came over to help us decorate stockings and she is very talented at art, and many other things.  Like playing the piano.  She asked if she could play, and we said sure.  She said she hadn't played in a while, so it might not be good.  So, off the top of her head, she starts playing this song, which happens to be a personal favorite of mine.  I was very impressed.  Mind you, it doesn't usually take much to impress me.  Needless to say, it was beautiful.  Hope you all had a good weekend!  Wow, I've never done that before, talked to you as if it were a personal letter or something.  Weird.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Going, Going, Going...

Yet another uneventful day in the life of Heather Woo.  I slept in till 10, a great accomplishment on my part.  Usually I wake up around eight without fail every morning (if my alarm doesn't go off first).  Just goes to show you how tired I am.  So that was nice.  Went to church this morning, not exactly a thrilling service.  Even when we sing songs that are more modern and not hymns, the worship band still manages to slow it down enough to make seem ancient.  I can't wait till Christmas.  It is only 3 weeks away.  My patience is slowly shrinking.  I just try not to think about it, because then it won't bother me.  Not thinking about it probably won't be too hard because school has been rather difficult so far.  Don't even mention exams to me.  I don't know how I'm going to make it.  Oh well.

Saturday 3 December 2011


Today's been pretty good.  I went to sewing this morning and I made these little donuts.  They are supposed to be pin cushions, but I'm just gonna have them around.  I really like them.  I think I'm gonna make some more.  I went to White Oaks mall afterwards, and I got the dress that I'm gonna wear to my BFFLAAT's birthday party.  Now all I have to get are some shoes.  I really want to get some black strap heels.  I love heels, and I can actually walk in them too.  But the thing is, I'm already really tall.  I'm one of the tallest of my group of friends, so they all hate it when I wear heels.  They are just going to have to suck it up.  I'm buying 4 inch heels.  If my mom will let me :)  I also went to the gym this afternoon, my legs are sore now.  I thought I was going to have so much homework this weekend that I wouldn't have time to do anything, but I did a lot after school yesterday so I think I'll survive.  I am lost on what to get my friends/family for Christmas, and I'm running out of time.

Friday 2 December 2011

Finally the Weekend

Ugh.  This has not been a good week.  I have been having trouble falling/staying asleep.  I have had a headache after school for the past few days.  Got my G1 last night! I'm worried about my picture though (the card comes in the mail in a few days) cause I was wearing my coat  and so my hair might look oddly shaped.  I have been working on my homework since I got home because I was panicking about how much I had to do this weekend.  But now that I look at it, I think it will be doable.  I ordered the first season of BBT on dvd and it arrived a few days ago.  But when I went to open the DVD case, my dad asked me what I was doing.  It was fairly obvious I think: opening my DVD.  But then he took it from me and said but what if it's a gift? So know I don't know what to do cause it wasn't clear who was paying for it, me or him, and if waiting means not having to pay for it, I'm fine with that.  As expected, my mom made a comment on when I was talking about my parents and their (lack of) rules around the house.  She wanted to know what other rules I wanted.  But the whole eating rule was really the only one I was complaining about...maybe they could follow through with punishments/deals better.  Like my sister was supposed to help around the house more often, but that hasn't happened yet (wink, wink, nudge, nudge mom).  I guess any rule applied to my sister or brother but not to me would be a rule my parents could implement :)

Thursday 1 December 2011

Vow Of Silence

Ugh, my back and my head hurt.  I hate how we have to sit on stools in chemistry, they kill my back.  Also my backpack has never had so many books in it before.  I dunno why my head hurts, just not a great day I guess.  But that's a lie, I had tons of fun in physics (remember this moment, I, Heather Woo, had FUN in PHYSICS).  We were doing a lab and we got to play with Slinkys!  Great fun, I wish I had one of the really big metal slinkies.  I might go write my G1 test today, not really nervous.  The Vow of Silence went well, I didn't speak a word all day (or text or email or anything).  I'm proud of myself.  I am usually very quiet, so I didn't think it would be too hard, but I talk a lot more than I thought I did.  My friend on the other hand came into class saying hi and everything, then my other friend (who wasn't doing it) said, "(insert friends name here)! Why are you talking?" My friend then proceeded to jump back and slap her hands over her mouth, she had completely forgotten.  She wanted us to pretend she hadn't said anything, but we weren't going to let her get away with it.  Another girl who eats lunch with us sometimes had a sticker on (we got stickers saying I am taking the Vow of Silence) but she was talking.  We were all rather confused.  She claimed she was taking a lunch break.  Yea right.  That isn't allowed, I don't think she really understand the whole point of the Vow of Silence.  We did it to support those who don't have a voice, not just a physical voice, but those who can't say what they want (eg vote).  Its not like these people have an hour to say everything they want, so she doesn't get a lunch break from silence.