
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 30 November 2013

QOTD #24

24. What do you want right this second?
Um, not to have to study? Have my exams behind me? It to be Christmas Eve? I want multiple things, hardly any of which are worthy of me actually having.

My perfect day would be...
Ideally, spent with my husband (or husband to be), neither of us have to go to work, reading, swinging in a hammock after a nice walk through a forest. I dunno, who actually thinks about these things?!

Christmas Shoes

It was almost Christmas time
There I stood in another line
Trying to buy that last gift or two
I'm really in the Christmas mood
Standing right in front of me
Was a little boy waiting anxiously
Pacing around like little boys do
And in his hands he held
A pair of shoes

And his clothes were worn and old
He was dirty from head to toe
And when it came his time to pay
I couldn't believe what I heard him say

Sir I wanna buy these shoes for my Momma please
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry Sir?
Daddy says there's not much time
You see, she's been sick for quite a while
And I know these shoes will make her smile
And I want her to look beautiful
If Momma meets Jesus, tonight.

They counted pennies for what seem like years
And cashier says son there's not enough here
He searches is pockets franticly 
And he turned and he looked at me
And he said Momma made Christmas good at our house
Most years she just did without
Tell me Sir
What am I gonna do?
Some how I've got to buy her these Christmas shoes

So I layed the money down
I just had to help him out
And I'll never forget
The look on his face
When he said Mamma's gonna look so great.

Sir I wanna buy these shoes, for my Momma please
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry Sir?
Daddy says there's not much time
You see, she's been sick for quite a while
And I know these shoes will make her smile
And I want her to look beautiful,
If Momma meets Jesus tonight.

I knew I caught a glimpse of heavens love as he thanked me and ran out. 
I know that God had sent that little boy to remind me
What Christmas is all about

Sir I wanna buy these shoes for my Momma please
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry Sir?
Daddy says there's not much time
You see she's been sick for quite a while
And I know these shoes will make her smile
And I want her to look beautiful
If Mamma meets Jesus tonight

I want her to look beautiful
If Mamma meets Jesus tonight

Friday 29 November 2013


So season 3 of Sherlock finally has a (British) air date:

(We already knew it was airing in the USA on Jan 19th). Last week it was announced that it would be sometime in December or January (no sh*t Sherlock [I'm so puny]). And then people were thinking that it would be the 22nd of Dec or the 29th. But BBC released today the air dates of all three episodes (read with sarcasm and pain), with more theatricality than Sherlock himself:
They drove a hearse around London all morning with the air date and his name in flowers.
Personally I think it was a little out of character for BBC, but I loved it all the same. BBC had been tweeting the previous evening to be on the look out for a special vehicle. People were lining the streets to see it and take pictures with it. Talk about a reveal.
The weird part though is that Jan 1st is a Wednesday, when it usually airs on Sundays. It will, however resume that course, with the air dates being Jan 1st, 5th and 12th. So we get to see the episodes sooner, but that also means that it will be over quicker :(

Roller Coaster (& QOTD #23)

In my GBDA 103 class we went down to the UX & Gamification research lab that the Stratford campus houses (which I did not know about). It has this simulator which we got to try out. It was set on a roller coaster. It was so cool. You wore these goggles that looked into a small screen attached to the head set. There was also a screen showing it so that other people looking on could see what you were experiencing, but it wasn't 3D. Then if you turned your head, the view in the simulation would follow accordingly. It was really cool (not as good as a real roller coaster though). But after awhile it made you dizzy and now I have a headache. But it was fun.
(This is the thing you wore).

23. Are your eyes the same colour as your dad's?

I define downtime as...
I don't know that I've ever thought about this specifically. I guess I would call it when you are relaxed and enjoying yourself. For example, I would define downtime when you are doing something you enjoy and you don't feel guilty about it. I mean, I enjoy spending time on the internet, but I'm usually supposed to be doing something else (like studying). So downtime would be when you don't have something else to be doing.

Thursday 28 November 2013

So on tumblr

it told me that if you search "doge meme" into youtube all of the words change colour and become comic sans. Then underneath that somebody else had said that they thought it was lying but they found out that it wasn't. I didn't believe it (but I had to check).

it wasn't kidding

go try it

QOTD #22

Guys, I finished everything on my list to do today and it's not even 5 o'clock yet. This never happens. Also, we had a college dinner last night (where everybody gets dressed up and there are servers and we all eat at the same time). I had half an hour so I thought I would try to straighten my hair. I DID IT IN 8 MINUTES. 8 MINUTES. I straightened my hair in 8 minutes. That does not happen. I have thick hair and a lot of it. 8 minutes! I still can't get over it. My hair will be straight much more often now that I know it won't take me half an hour to do so.

22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
Well, I have already. But I was floating across the top of the water and they were deeper down. And they were ting sharks. I don't think I would want to do the whole dropped-into-shark-infested-waters-in-a-cage thing though.

My guiltiest pleasure is...
Wow, um, I dunno. Probably eating snacks when I've already eaten lots. And watching movies and TV online... :)

Italian Lesson

In English when you say the year, 1995 for example, you can say it either as "one thousand nine hundred ninety-five" or as "nineteen ninety-five". Most go with the latter. However, in Italian, you don't have that option. You have to say it all out. So 1995, for example, would be: millenovecentonovantacinque. All one word, too. To break it down: mille-nove-cento-novanta-cinque, which is thousand-nine-hundred-ninety-five.
Hope you enjoyed your lesson!
(I was more doing this to point out the length of saying the date, rather than actually teach you anything.)
Ok so we finally got some heaters (well I think we were actually just given the ones that were in the hall). So my roommate had them both plugged in on her side of the room, causing the electrical breaker to flip. So then we went to Karen, the Head of Housing and complained that we didn't have heating or electricity in our outlets.  She said she was about to call somebody about the heating, and that she would send someone to look at the breaker. The breaker was flipped back and we had electricity, but then it flipped again. The heaters were too much for the outlet. So now we only have one, plugged in on the other end of the room. Hopefully it will start to warm up. Well, hopefully the heating starts working again, but this will have to do for now.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

QOTD #21

21. Are you in a good mood?
Well, while I should have been studying, I was watching vlogbrothers videos about The Fault in our Stars movie which I am SO EXCITED FOR. It comes out on June 6th, 2014. I also learned that Ansel Elgort, who plays Augustus Waters in TFioS, is also in the movie for Divergent, which I am ALSO VERY EXCITED FOR (he plays Tris's brother). So that was some fun fangirling. But it is also RIDICULOUSLY COLD ON MY FLOOR AND ESPECIALLY IN MY ROOM. The entire wing that my floor is on is cold, the heating isn't working. Probably how the mould got started. Or I guess mould would thrive in warmer temperatures...? Anyways, I've been wearing sweaters and multiple pairs of sock for the past week. There was even a time I put gloves on I was so cold. Being at the end of the hall (and not the end attached to the building), my room and the room across from me are the coldest. Somebody had a thermometer and the end rooms are AN ENTIRE 10 DEGREES COLDER than the rest of the building. They put two dinky heaters in the hall, which is kind of warming up the hall, BUT THAT DOESN'T HELP MY ROOM. The room across from me had been given a heater when it first started to get cold and they say that it only raised the temperature 2 degrees. The girls in that room don't even sleep in their room anymore. They go sleep on other floors WHERE THE TEMPERATURE IS NOT COMPARABLE TO THAT OF OUTSIDE. So if you're still looking for a Christmas gift idea, a heater would be greatly appreciated. At least I'm only here for 5 more days and then I'm home! So to answer the question, yes. I am in a good mood. TFioS tipped the scale. Had I decided to to what I was supposed to be doing (studying for Italian), I would not be in a good mood.

What scares me is...
The unknown. And I know a lot of people probably say that. But I don't mean the unknown as in "what's outside our galaxy?" kind of unknown (although that's probably pretty scary as well). I mean if somebody has a surprise or something. The little unknowns. For example, when the bus to TO left before I was on it and there was nobody around to tell me what was going on, that was scary. Situations where I am doing something and there is nobody to reassure me that what I'm doing it correct, that scares me.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

And the award for stellar sweeping goes to....

QOTD #20

20. Are you starting to realize anything?
Studying for a language is different from studying for something else. More difficult, more effort. Also, the internet is very distracting (but I guess I knew that).

I wish I was better at...
Turning my art/creative ideas into art (and actually finishing them). Also, studying for languages.

Gru and I are one.

My ARBUS group when we tackle an assignment:

Monday 25 November 2013

QOTD #19

19. Have you had sex today?

I wish I had more time for...
Reading, and making art/being creative.

Sunday 24 November 2013

QOTD #18 (and a Bonus!)

18. The last time you felt broken?
Well, that depends on how you define broken. I felt broken during the Catching Fire movie when they showed Rue (and I cried), but that doesn't seem like a worth-while broken, if you get what I'm trying to say. Like, it was over something not real. I think I'll go with last Thursday. One of my university groups watched The Pursuit of Happyness (yes that's actually how the movie title is spelled). It was about this father who was struggling to provide for his family and at one point only has $21 dollars in his bank account. I felt broken then, once again being forced to think about how blessed I am to live the life I'm living and have lived. And how there are so many out there who are experiencing what the character in the movie suffered.

And now for the bonus! J gave me some extra questions to do once I ran out. But I have enough questions now to last me a year. So I'm just going to do two for a few days.
My proudest moment was...
Wow. Um, I've had a lot, I'm sure. But my proudest moment. It might have been when I got accepted into GBDA.  Probably some academic achievement. (BFFLAAT: my T&T award lol).  I'm really not sure. I don't think that I'm an overly proud person.

My AMAZING Weekend

While my weekend was amazing, it didn't start off that way. The bus was half an hour late, time which I was standing in line outside in the freezing temperatures. Eventually the bus did show up. But then it left before everyone in line was on. The bus wasn't even full. Then I started panicking a bit because I didn't know why it had left. But then another bus showed up, so it was all good. And what a coincidence, I got the same bus driver as I had when I was coming back from a weekend at home. The bus ride was fine, there was hardly anybody on the bus. My BFFLAAT met me at the bus station in Toronto. It was great to finally see her again. It was already kind of late so we just hung out in her room. I also met a lot of her friends and floormates. One of boys (whom I had actual met over skype before) complemented me and said that I was beautiful. I said thank you but I just thought he was saying that to be nice. But then my BFFLAAT said that when he gives a compliment, he really means it. So that was nice :) Too bad he's gay. (When I say too bad, I'm not saying I have a problem with him being gay, I'm just saying that it wouldn't be able to go anywhere, if you know what I mean).  I met this other guy as well who gave me a donut, which is always nice, but then I found that he watches Sherlock and we have similar movie and book tastes. We would get along well. On Saturday morning we went out for brunch at one of the caf's on campus with a couple other people. Then my BFFLAAT and I fangirled over Hunger Games characters (actors). We read a special edition magazine about The Hunger Games Catching Fire movie and started watching the first Hunger Games. And then Dylan Sprouse happened. Then we headed out for an early dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory. When we arrived they told us it would be a 5 to 10 minute wait and so we got one of those buzzer things but after two minutes it buzzed and we were led through the restaurant to our table. My BFFLAAT and I laughed because even though we were told that there would be a 5 to 10 minute wait the restaurant was completely empty. Why would we be told there is a 5 to 10 minute wait if the restaurant was completely empty? It was funny.  For those who don't know, The Old Spaghetti Factory was a blacksmith shop a century ago. Inside they have a bunch of cool things hanging from the walls and all the dividers are stainglass windows. They even have a carousel and a caboose train that you can sit in. The dinner was really delicious. There was this ice cream flavour called Spumoni. It is chocolate, vanilla and pistachio all mixed together. It was so good.  After we were done we walked back to my BFFLAAT’s residence to pick up her friend and head over to the movie. We were seeing the movie in the Scotia Bank theater which is this really huge theater with a lot of specialized theatres. It was assigned seating so we didn't have to worry about getting there really early which was nice. They have this pre-movie show that was interactive with their mobile app which is really cool but we didn't have their app so we couldn’t play, but it was cool to see the other people do it. The movie was amazing. I can't find anything in it to complain about. Obviously they couldn't fit everything in the book in but they were pretty close and it was so amazing. I cried at one point. I loved it so much. I would even go so far as to say it was better than the first movie. Morning we had a lazy morning and went to Starbucks for lunch.  Then my BFFLAAT and I watch some Catching Fire interviews with the actors. Then, since my BFFLAAT knew that I missed it, we watch the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special episode.  I don't even know what to say about it.  It was really well done and I really liked the storyline.  However that amazing story line changes absolutely everything.  It basically goes back in time and changes one of the main time points in the Doctor’s timeline.  I won't going to great detail because I know most of you don't watch Dr. Who and won't understand it but just know that it was amazing but also that it changes everything and I don't even know how to handle it right now. (I'm using this dictation feature on my Mac right now to type this blog post out because I'm too lazy to type it all out so that's why there's a lot of run-on sentences. Sorry). After that we headed out to the bus station. I almost missed my bus because I couldn’t see the bus and I wasn't sure when it started boarding. It all worked out in the end of course. But at every stop I panicked because I was freaked out it wouldn't go to my stop which was unrealistic but, you know, stuff happens. When I got to the bus terminal I was really tired and didn't want to have to wait for the city bus to come around so I just ended up taking a taxi home.  (Another note on this whole dictation thing. I never realized how much I say “just”. I've been editing the sentences after I speak them just to make sure that the sentence makes sense and I say “just” so much it's ridiculous). When I got back to residence I talked to my Doctor Who friend about the episode because it changes everything and we also chatted about the Catching Fire movie, which she has yet to see. Then we talked about exam schedules and I realized that I'm going home in eight days, which also means that my Italian exam is in eight days, which I completely not ready for. I've started writing review notes but I havn’t actually started studying for it yet so I’ll have to do that. I also have two astronomy assignments that I need to finish, not to mention studying for astronomy which I'm not looking forward to. Having heard about all the snow in London and thinking about how I'm going to be going home soon I just really want to go home right now. I'm really excited to be at home over December for a good chunk of time. So yeah. That was my amazing weekend with my BFFLAAT. I had so much fun (and once again I apologize for this whole dictation thing, the run-on sentences are really horrible. But using the dictation really sped up the speed of writing out this blog post, so there).

Saturday 23 November 2013

Top Men cont'd

9. Dylan Sprouse
So my sister told me to look up the Sprouse twins the other day (from The Suite Life of Zack and Cody). And Dylan (Zach in the show) got cute. Cole could be cute, EXCEPT FOR HIS FRICKIN HAIR THAT IS NOT OKAY.  And he just looks so awkward. But Dylan, Dylan has done well.

QOTD #16 & #17

16. Do you think you'll change in the next three months?
Change is inevitable.

17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?

Friday 22 November 2013



I finished The Fault in Our Stars the other day, and it was an amazing book. I highly suggest reading it. I cried. One of my favourite quotes from the book is "My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations." But reading it made me think back to when my friend read it, when it first came out. The first printing, 150,000 books, were all signed by the author, John Green.  His brother, Hank, signed 25% of those with a hanklerfish.  And even fewer of those were doodled in by John's wife. The only way you would get a signed copy was if you pre-ordered it, simply because of the demand. My friend had pre-ordered it. She was excited about getting a signed copy, but knew that she would not have a good chance of getting a hanklerfish or extra doodle. When it came in, however, she discovered that she had gotten one of the ones with a hanklerfish. She was so happy about it. And it was in this moment that I truly understood the meaning of "to be happy for somebody else". Because I was. I was happy for her, that she got this little extra thing that really isn't that big, but means so much to her. Needless to say, that is the one book she wouldn't let me borrow :)

Thursday 21 November 2013

QOTD #15

15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
HA. Nope, never been kissed :$


14. What are you going to spend money on next?
Probably food and/or Christmas gifts!

This is Make You Love Me by some Youtubers, Us. They are awesome! You should check out their other stuff.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

QOTD #13

13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
Also, I had preordered the soundtrack and it came out today!!!

QOTD #12

12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
Yup! Multiple, actually...

Sunday 17 November 2013

QOTD #11

11. How many people of the opposite sex do you trust fully?
Hmm...never really thought about it before.  Just one.


Saturday 16 November 2013

Essay (and QOTD #10)

My astronomy professor just assigned us a new essay. This the second essay we've had to do. The first one was 500. It was a bit of a struggle for me to condense it down. But that will be nothing compared to this next essay. He wants me to "Describe three ideas astronomers have proposed to explain dark energy and the methods used to test them." In 250 words. So:
- 3 ideas
- why those ideas
- methods used
- plus your standard into/conclusion. 
250 WORDS. 
I CANNOT DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

QOTD #10
10. What is the last beverage you had?
The last drink I had was water but that was only to take some medication so it doesn't count so I'm going to go to the drink before that. I was at the mall and I was craving something creamy and chocolate. I wanted a milkshake, but milkshakes are hard to find in Waterloo (at least in my experience). So I was walking around the food court and Cultures had smoothies and I figured that was as close as I was going to get. So I ordered a chocolate smoothie. I knew it wasn't going to be exactly like a milkshake, but I figured it would be close. I don't know why, but it tasted kind of funny. Maybe that was just the smoothie being itself. But I think that there might have been some residue in the blender from something else that got into my smoothie. In the end I ended up drinking most of it, but the entire time I couldn't help thinking "there is something wrong with this". (What a coincidence that I would have a drink story to tell on a drink related QOTD!)

Friday 15 November 2013

Funny/Cool Things I Have Found On My Recent Journeys Through The Internet

I'm so lonely...

The two good friends I've made on my floor have gone home for the weekend (which they do more often than not). So to drown out my sorrows, I watched Thor. One of my aforementioned friends has been bugging me to watch it because she wants to go see the second one in theatres but she has no one to go with.  One of my favourite parts was for a majority of the movie, Thor was just perfectly content with everything. Nothing fazed him, and he was just smiling all the time, not a care in the world. It was hilarious.

QOTD #9 and Webkinz!

9. Is confidence cute?
The short answer is yes.
The long answer is that I think that you can also have too much confidence. For example, if you have so much confidence that you can do something when you really can't, then it becomes more of a concern for those around you...

And Webkinz! My mom was buying things for the Operation Christmas Child boxes, and so she bought some webkinz. Because they are sold at the dollar store now (never go into business in a fad). Anyways, she assumed that the children receiving the boxes wouldn't have use for the codes, so she took them off the animals and left them on the dining room table. When I was home for the weekend, I saw them and was curious if my account was still active. Cause remember how you had to add a new webkinz every year or something? However, what surprised me the most, was that on the first try, I correctly remembered both my username and password to my Wenkinz account. This coming from the girl who sometimes has to think of what me email password is. Anyways, my account was still up and running.  I added one of the codes anyways, a tie dye frog (I named him Jeremy Fisher). Now you can open an account without having to buy the stuffed animal with the code, you can get a dog or a cat for free. I imagine (well, know, really) they did that to try and get more users as their inevitable fall came upon them. Anyways, I might go on again and check things out, relive some of my childhood, because as mentioned before, I am not ready for life

Thursday 14 November 2013


8. Do you think it's disgusting when girls get really wasted?

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Sponges (and QOTD #7)

Please just go watch this video:
I feel so much better about what I'm doing with my life after watching that video.

7. What happened tonight?
Things that happened tonight:
1. CHICKEN POT PIE FOR DINNER (although it was kind of dry :$ )
2. A 3hr lecture :(
3. Looking at apartments for next year with floor friends
4. Realizing I am not ready for life
5. Because life means $600/month/PERSON + UTILITIES TO LIVE OFF CAMPUS
6. And I thought it was only $600/month

Tuesday 12 November 2013


6. What are you excited for?
Lots of things.
- my cold to be gone
- Christmas break
- Catching Fire (and spending the weekend with my BFFLAAT!!!)
- Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special

Monday 11 November 2013


(copyright BBC)

Just Knock.

If only I had an iPhone...



Ok, so this happened:
BBC sued over TARDIS...
And I am NOT happy. This is clearly just a guy who wants to make some money off of what his father did. If you read the comments, the people are all "he doesn't know what he's talking about" and "did he just call it a children's programme???" and "his father was paid by BBC to write a script, therefore BBC has copyrights", etc. I was thinking though, if this Stef guy does actually end up winning the copyrights to the TARDIS and BBC can't use it anymore, the writers could say that the Doctor fixed the chameleon circuit (which makes the TARDIS blend in with its surroundings). But seriously, this guy doesn't know what he's dealing with and should leave this alone. (God knows what the fans will do to him if he wins).

5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
Unfortunately, I have never been in Benedict Cumberbatch's presence (except for here). (Or RDJ's, or Tom Hiddleston's, or David Tennant's...)
(Obviously here I am assuming that they mean like like. How sad, I don't even have a person that I like like, regardless of when I've hung out with them. Wow, this is actually really depressing.)

Sunday 10 November 2013

QOTD #3 & 4

(Ah, already I've fallen behind.)
3. Have you taken someone's virginity?
I haven't even had a boyfriend... (the answer's no, just to be clear).

4. Is trust a big issue for you?
But not really. I mean, I'm not going around trusting strangers with my stuff, but if I know you, I trust you. (Unless you're Aaron. You will have to earn my trust again after you took my Oreo Birthday Cake cookies). 

Friday 8 November 2013

Thursday 7 November 2013


I'm gonna start this Question of the Day cause I'm bored. So here we go (there are 100).

1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?

um, no. and for more than one reason.
(they're not all those kinds of questions, this just happens to be the first one). 

Just For You, Dad

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One of the girls on my floor is talking to a friend on her phone about how she's going to get a belly button piercing. From what I've gathered, the people she's told haven't been supportive of her decision, but she just keeps on saying that "it's my own body and I can do whatever I want". To each his (her) own. But then I heard this:
Girl getting piercing: "And my parents are going to think I’m a devil child."
Friend: "You probably are."

you probably are

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Monday 4 November 2013

Tells: Update

I only have a minor headache. However, my eye is still twitching and I can't make it go away. The twitching hurts more now. I had a nap but it came back after a minute of being awake. Right now I just kind of hold my eye...(weird) to give myself the illusion of soothing it. Usually the migraine would have come by now. But it hasn't and that has me worried. I took some Advil but that hasn't done anything. why me?!


Sometimes I really hate tells because I'm sitting here with my right eye twitching which means I'm going to get a headache AND THERE'S NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT. I just have to sit here knowing that latter I'm going to be in a lot of pain and probably waste my day off sleeping away the pain.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Top Men cont'd

8. Robert Pattinson
There is a reason why I hadn't added Robert to my list before, and that precise reason is because of his involvement in Twilight. Back in the day, I was a fan of Twilight. However, those days have passed. But the thing I love about it all is that
It's so true. There are so many examples out there. One of my personal favourites is when an interviewer asks him what really added to his Twilight experience (thinking he would choose a co-worker). But after thinking for like two minutes, he chooses a face cream. A face cream. None of the other people he worked with, but face cream. It is for this reason that I love Robert Pattinson. Also, he was in the Goblet of Fire and Water for Elephants, which I thought he was good in.


Today I bought touch screen gloves. (When I say touch screen gloves I mean gloves that you can keep on while using a touch screen, in case that wasn't clear). I didn't buy them because they were touch screen, but because I needed gloves (WHY IS IT SO COLD OUT), and they were only $3. I was skeptical as to whether they would actually work. However, I was pleasantly surprised when they worked and the tips weren't too fat so I could still text.
Also, little bro, I don't know what hot chocolate powder you sent me to school with, but it sucks. Flat out, makes horrible hot chocolate. I don't know if it's because it's old or just because of the brand. Anyways, when I'm home this weekend, I'm stealing the Timmies hot chocolate powder and nothing can stop me.
This is a new song that I started listening to because iTunes was like, if you like Bastille, you'll probably like this too. And I do, so I thought I'd share it with you. It's Dreaming by Smallpools.

Friday 1 November 2013

(Mom and Dad, I'm Sorry for This...)

Renison had a lot going on for Halloween. Like I mentioned before, there was a lot of decorating going on. There was a haunted hallway competition. We tied with another floor for most creative. The floor that won for scariest was actually really scary. (People went around to tour the floors). Oasis, the winning floor, made their floor a haunted circus. But instead of just having decorations, they actually had a tour through their floor, and all the residences of that floor was a different attraction. First of all, throughout the entire thing there were clowns crawling on all fours petting your feet. It's actually a lot creepier than you would think. Then you would go into rooms and see different things. There was a dead(?) girl in a bathtub, a big baby, a person jumping out from behind a mattress, bearded lady, black widow, and a doll. All of which were very creepy. One of my friends looked like she was about to pee herself. I was impressed and can understand why they won. One of my floormates, however, was royally pissed off. She doesn't see our tie as a win, even though it was a tie for first place. Oh well. Then there was Don trick or treating where you went around to the dons and got candy. You didn't get much, since there's only 10 floors, but it was fun. Lastly, there was a dance in the caf, but my friends and I had decided that we would go to a club earlier in the week. So that's what we did. It was a special Halloween all ages party. My friend had asked if I wanted to go, and when I found out that my closest friends were going, I decided (after being caught under attack from my friends during a moment of weakness) that I would go as well. (I should make it clear, that I was in no way forced to go to this, I decided that I would go). We took a bus down to the club in Kitchener. The bus was positively packed with people going to the club. There was a line and our friend (whose idea it was to go to the club in the first place) was scolding us and saying that we should have left earlier. But line line moved surprisingly fast. Which is good, because it was raining. Now, being the first time I've ever been in a club, I didn't really know what to expect. From the moment after I decided I would join my friends up until I was actually in the club, I was regretting my decision about going, for multiple reasons. One, being I'd never been to a club before and I was nervous. Two, I had to be up at 7AM in order to catch my bus to Stratford the next morning. Three, I didn't know if my friends would be drinking and whether I would have to take care of them. Four, I would be willingly surrounding myself with drunk people. But I kind of realized that it's basically just a high school dance on steroids. (Well, more like overdosed on steroids). So we danced and got pushed around and shoved and got sweaty. Typical clubbing, I would imagine, except for the drinking. Only one of my friends is old enough, and she didn't drink anything. So were were a sober group of friends in a club like four raisins in a bowl of milk (inside joke). This one guy tried to dance with me, and I was like, no, this is not happening, buddy. We danced for about an hour and a half, than sat in one of the booths for a while. Then two of my friends went out and danced again while me and my other friend continued to sit. When the two dancers came back, we decided to head out. We took a cab home since the buses weren't running that late. So overall, this is how I view my experience: It was ok. Definitely not worth the money I spent ($20 for the ticket, $2 coat check, $5 for the cab). I'm glad none of us drank anything. Probably won't do it again any time soon! I am currently operating on 5 hrs of sleep (and I am definitely somebody who needs a solid 8hrs of sleep). And as always with me, I feel fine (mostly) right now, but I'll crash around 4PM...
UPDATE: I totally forgot to mention a key part of my night: my outfit. Now, you already know about my costume. But I didn’t think that going to a club in a Mary Poppins outfit would be fitting. So I did a bit of a variation. I kept the shirt and bowtie, but ditched the skirt for black skinny jeans. I then used the red ribbon as an accent belt. So I was literally in the club wearing long pants, a long sleeved button up shirt, of which every single button was done up. And my hair was in a crappy ponytail. So there was that as well. :$