
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Thursday 30 January 2014

QOTD #81 & 82

This week has been really stressful...so yeah, not a lot of blogging...

81. Tea or coffee?
Hot chocolate. (But I kind of want to try tea and determine if I actually like it or not...)

82. Favourite type of cookie?
My mom's double reverse chocolate chip cookies (also M&M cookies).

Sherlock: Favourite Case.
Oh wow. This make me think so much. Probably The Great Game. I liked how Moriarty involved Sherlock's first case. And I also enjoyed the variety. I guess it's technically a bunch of cases, but I'm going to count them as one.

Wednesday 29 January 2014




So tumblr had a Terms & Conditions thing pop yesterday. Now, as most of the population does, I usually just check off the box and continue on without reading. But having heard some things about this particular set of terms and conditions, I decided to read them. Obviously there was all the boring legal stuff, but then every so often, there would be these gems:

Completely legit. I was laughing so hard my don told me to be quiet cause quiet hours had started. Before being acquired by Yahoo!, tumblr didn't have rules and conditions. So you can tell right away that they weren't into this kind of stuff. But even now that they have to have them, they still manage to be themselves and basically be the best site ever.
So companies, if you want people to actually read your Terms & Conditions, add a little something special to them. 

Tuesday 28 January 2014

QOTD #79 & 80

79. What was the last concert you saw?
Oh wow, I can't remember... Um...Taylor Swift. I'm thinking that I've forgotten a really obvious one.

80. Hot tea or cold tea?
Well I've always really liked cold tea, but it has to be sweetened. Like, Nestea. But hot tea is kind of growing on me. I've had it a couple of times recently at Chinese restaurants. That was just green tea, no milk or sugar. So I think that if I made an effort to figure out what I liked, I'd probably like hot tea as well. Also, I had bubble tea for the first time last week. It didn't taste like tea at all really, I got vanilla chocolate flavoured. I'm not sure how I feel about tapioca balls, but the drink part was good.

Sherlock: Favourite scene.
Like all of the deduction scenes. My favourite is probably when Sherlock reveals how he knew so much about John in A Study in Pink. Oh, but also ***spoilers*** drunk Sherlock and John.

Yeah, but am I a pretty lady?

Sunday 26 January 2014

QOTD #78

78. Who would you like to see in concert?
BASTILLE! They were gonna come to TO, but then they cancelled that stop :(

Sherlock: Favourite Episode.
Argh. Again, I don't have a lot to choose from, but they're all so good!
Ok, via process of elimination, I'm going to have to say that my favourite episode is The Sign of Three. Decisions are hard for me, and that was probably one of the most difficult decisions I've had to make.

I read the Bible, but I forgot the verses
- Neon Cathedral, Macklemore ft. Allen Stone

Friday 24 January 2014

I would like to thank whichever one of you sent me mail :) However, I would also like to apologize because I can't actually pick it up yet cause reception is closed for the weekend. But on the plus side for you, your time of favouritism will be extended, cause now you're my favourite cause you sent me mail. But then you will continue to be my favourite until 24hrs after I actually get the mail. Wait, so why am I apologizing? You're the one who's benefiting :)

Just Wondering...

When you guys leave a comment, I get an email letting me know. But if I reply to your comment, do you guys get an email telling you so? Cause I usually reply to your comments...but I don't know if you even see them...

77. Ever been in love?
No :(

Sherlock: Favourite season.
Well, it's not like I have a lot to choose from :$ I'm going to say season three, because that was the one I was most excited about while waiting, and I love the cliffhanger they left us with. AND THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT WAS BEAUTIFUL.

QOTD #76

76. Regularly burn incense?

Sherlock: Favourite female character.
Molly Hooper, ladies and gentlemen. Just look at her character development:

Yeah so I just spent half an hour I should have spent studying looking for a picture describing Molly's character development that I had seen on tumblr, but I couldn't find it. Basically, in the first episode, Molly lets Sherlock push her around, and in season 3 she slaps Sherlock. BAMF.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

No Light, No Light by Florence + the Machine

'cause it's so easy, 
To say it to a crowd 
But it's so hard my love, 
To say it to you out loud

No Roommate

An update on the potential roommate: no roommate. The girl moved into the room across from me. That room was empty in the first place because there was mould in it. So this could mean one of three things:
1. The mould is gone (unlikely; they haven't had anybody in to clear it out or anything)
2. The girl was just really desperate to get away from her previous roommate, or
3. She chose mould over me.
I'm not going to take anything personally, but do you see what I'm saying?
Regardless, I am happy and have no roommate. I've been thinking about how to potentially rearrange the furniture, but any layout that I would actually want it to be in doesn't work. So in the mean time, I've stolen the other mattress. I feel like I'm at camp when the cabin isn't full and you steal the extra mattress, hoping it won't be needed by another cabin. There was one time when both my CIT and I had three mattresses. That was a good week :) So now my bed is super tall (or at least it seems like it) and has more of a sinking feeling when you sit on it. I just washed the sheets and I even shaved my legs today. So needless to say, going to bed tonight will be an extremely pleasant experience.


What's the movie where the main character convinces this banker dude to invest a lot of money in a particular stock, knowing that the stock was going to fall and therefore result in the collapse of the banker? This wasn't the main plot line, the main character was trying to ruin a lot of people's lives...I think. If you know what movie I'm talking about, lemme know.

Also, I'm slightly disappointed that being my favourite person for a solid 24hrs was not enough to convince you to send me mail :(

75. Do you study better with or without music?
I wish I could study with music. But I find that I'm distracted by the lyrics. If the song doesn't have any lyrics in it, then I'm fine.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

My Life:

74. What is your favourite book?
For a long time it was Along For the Ride by Sarah Dessen. But then I read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. They're both so good! I guess they're just tied for favourite at the moment.

Along For the Ride By Sarah Dessen synopsis:
It’s been so long since Auden slept at night. Ever since her parents’ divorce—or since the fighting started. Now she has the chance to spend a carefree summer with her dad and his new family in the charming beach town where they live.

A job in a clothes boutique introduces Auden to the world of girls: their talk, their friendship, their crushes. She missed out on all that, too busy being the perfect daughter to her demanding mother. Then she meets Eli, an intriguing loner and a fellow insomniac who becomes her guide to the nocturnal world of the town. Together they embark on parallel quests: for Auden, to experience the carefree teenage life she’s been denied; for Eli, to come to terms with the guilt he feels for the death of a friend.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green synopsis:
Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten.

summaries via Goodreads

Monday 20 January 2014


The other girl on my floor, who from here on out will be referred to as A, who has no roommate, was saying that our don came up to her and was asking if she would mind if another girl on our floor moved in with her. Apparently the two girls aren't getting along very well.  A said no. So I'm guessing that sometime in the near future, our don will be asking me if I wouldn't mind. I don't want another roommate though. I just got used to not having one. So if she does ask, I'm going to say no. At least that's what I tell myself. I'll probably actually say that I would prefer not to, but if there were no other options for her, I would do it. I've been thinking about how I could potentially rearrange the furniture.  A has moved the two beds so that they're beside each other. I was about to do that, until I realized I don't have anything to cover the other bed with, and I don't want to be lying on the mattress cover. So I'm still thinking of different plans. I want to organize it to that I can have the two desks beside each other so I have a lot of work space.

73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
March 14th, 2009. (I didn't know that off the top of my head, I had to look it up). I was going on vacation with my BFFLAAT and we were standing in Port Everglades. We had arrived later than planned, and so were a little restless. After entering the United States and getting on a plane with the documentation I had, I was being told that no, I could not get on the Norwegian Jewel because I did not have the proper documentation. J was saying that this form had gotten me into the US, it should be good enough for NCL. And then J whipped out her lawyer card (not literally, unfortunately, because that would have been enough for NCL) and they still wouldn't let me on. Then there was this whole fiasco trying to contact my parents for permission and is it the proper form and she needs a witness and how will she get it to us. Then my parents couldn't find the form online and everyone was panicking. And then the fire alarm went off. I started panicking even more, but nobody else did anything, so I continued to sit there. Then the NCL people are asking what our luggage looks like so that they can take it off the boat. Meanwhile, J was starting to loose it and I thought, "I'm not going on a cruise. J is going to hate me, I ruined her vacation (cause they couldn't very well just leave me there and go on the cruise themselves). I'm not going to be able to hang out with my BFFLAAT anymore." Finally, NCL gave in and said I could get on. About bloody time! But before I could even rejoice, the port security come in and are asking people to leave the building because of the ******* fire alarm. WHICH HAS BEEN GOING OFF FOR 20 MINUTES. So we are standing outside, aware of the minutes ticking by before the boat leaves. Finally we are let back into the building. Where we have to go through security AGAIN. And so, after a painfully long and stressful afternoon, we walk onto the Norwegian Jewel. And that is when I cried happy tears. (I just want to thank J and I* and my BFFLAAT for still liking me after that whole situation and putting up with me after that. And even more so to be willing to face that situation again.)

I'm gonna do more bonus questions for a while. These ones are all about Sherlock.
1. Favourite male character: My first reaction is probably Sherlock. Cause he's amazing. I love what he does. Especially seeing him show more emotions and being in his mind palace this past season makes me love him even more. But also seeing this last season, I have realized I have this hidden love for Moriarty (and Andrew Scott, who plays him). So either of those two.

*that's not I as in me, that's I as in a short form of a name.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Saturday 18 January 2014


I dare you to read this out loud without screwing up or hesitating:
I know it's long, but just read it. People complain about the English grammar, what about the words?!


So I've been writing up some resumes recently and I've been mentioning that I'm in Global Business and Digital Arts at the University of Waterloo. Only problem is, WHO THE HECK KNOW WHAT GBDA IS, other than GBDA students themselves and their families? I can't even say I'll graduate with like a BA or anything, the program fricking made up it's own degree, Bachelor of Global Business and Digital Arts. One can only hope that my the time I graduate with my BGBDA, people might have actually heard about the program by then. I was complaining about this on Friday to some fellow GBDA students when one of them said that everyone knew about our program. Well not everyone, but the people it will matter to us for know about it. I hadn't realized that businesses and corporations had taken such an interest in GBDA. And then they say, yeah, GBDA is a big deal, Arlene Dickinson is on our head committee/board thing. AND I WAS LIKE WHAT. ARLENE DICKINSON. ARLENE DICKINSON, BAMF ARLENE DICKINSON FROM DRAGONS DEN WHO:
- is CEO and owner of Venture Communications
- (Since she took over, Venture has been recognized by the National Post as one of Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies. Three times.)
- is in Canada’s Most Powerful Women Top 100 Hall of Fame
- made it onto Chatelaine Magazine’s TOP 100 Business Owners
- has won the Pinnacle Award for Entrepreneurial Excellence, Ad Rodeo’s Lifetime Achievement Award, and McGill University’s Management Achievement Award
- And she was even recognized as Global Television’s Woman of Vision
- and she's an author as well
So obviously I had to google it, and
I was freaking out. And even if I still don't think that people know about GBDA, I don't even care even more, because Arlene Dickinson. 

(This is reminding me of a camper I had over the summer who loved Arlene Dickinson. It was so weird it threw me for a while. Why her? What about 1D or something? But the more I thought about it, I would rather she look up to Arlene Dickinson than somebody else less desirable: 

72. Ever won a spelling bee?
What kind of question is this? Who even partakes in spelling bees, let alone wins them? No, I have not won a spelling bee. Sorry to let you all down on that one.

QOTD #69-71

69. Ever take dance lessons?
I think I may have when I was younger...I can't really remember...

70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Uh, I hadn't really thought about it. I would like for him to have a respectable career, but it's not like I have a fetish for doctors or anything...

71. Can you curl your tongue?

Bought my first ever lottery ticket today! I didn't win though. I bought two tickets, but I'm gonna do the second one later one. I also bought an ice cream cone, which was nice. And then my friend and I spent the night in together. There was a dance organized by one of the residents going on in Renison, but we didn't feel like going. A couple people came around encouraging us to come, but we kind of brushed it off. Later we found out that nobody had gone and I felt kind of bad. But not bad enough to wish I had spent my night any differently. Also, our Timbuktu floor wear came in today! It's like the camp core staff sweater. It's so soft on the inside!

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Ok, pick your fave:






Or if there's something you like in one, and something in another, let me know. 

A Summary of the Sherlock Fandom After "His Last Vow"


^ This is 342874598726374854376273485% accurate.

A Summary of My Life

Ok I know that two of you looked at my collage and then didn't comment, and I'm hurt. But don't go back and comment on that one, cause I've made changes.
Seriously guys, I don't know what this looks like to other people. Lend a girl a hand.

Tuesday 14 January 2014


I need your help with one of my assignments. I have to make a digital collage. I'm trying to make it say something, but it's one of those things where, since I know what it is, I see that. So I need your unknowing eyes to tell me what you see in this:

Copyright Heather W.


Here are some pics of when I made donuts earlier this month.

QOTD #68

68. Favourite Taylor Swift song?
The Last Time (feat. Gary Lightbody)

Sunday 12 January 2014


So I'm really excited for the The Fault in Our Stars movie, staring Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort.
I am also really excited for the Divergent movie, staring Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort....
In TFioS, they play lovers. But in Divergent they play brother and sister. Weird, right? What I'm thinking though, is what are the chances that they would be in two movies that I want to see together? Especially being lesser-known actors (not for long though!).
Also, a new Sherlock episode came out today!!! I'm gonna go watch it. Apparently it was not at all what people were thinking, the new villain, CAM, is worse than Moriarty, and it's really dark. I'm SO EXCITED. But also sad, because this means we're on hiatus again... But Moffat and Gatiss have said that there is going to be a season 4 and 5, of which they already have the basic plot lines for. And they're also hoping to have them out sooner. Because seriously. I don't think I could handle another 2 year gap.

QOTD #66

66. Cheetos or Fritos?
I feel like this isn't even a fair comparison. It's like comparing cookies to cupcakes. While in a similar range of each other, not comparable. But despite this unfairness, I choose Cheetos all the way.

Speaking of food, I went to the mall today. I went first for church. Then I sat in the food court and read a bit while I waited for the stores to open. I got some lunch from ManchuWOK and then went shopping. It was my little treat for myself. I went to the grocery store and guess what. I got two single servings of Kraft Dinner, a raman noodle bowl and a package of donut holes for $3.84. Three eighty-four! If that doesn't make you the happiest person, I don't know what will. I also bought Paper Towns by John Green because I've been wanting to read that for awhile and 500 Days of Summer. It was on sale for $5 and I thought, how far wrong can I go? Basically, I got a lot for very little today, and that makes me happy.

I've been in the process of going through and listening to every song in my iTunes library in alphabetical order. That sounds really OCD, but it was just a way to listen to the songs in a seemingly random order. Anyways, I've been paying attention to the lyrics more and I've found some lyrics that I really like. So every so often I might just tag some lyrics on the bottom of my posts.
I was listening to Weight of Living, Pt II by Bastille and I really liked the first verse and was going to add it to my list of lyrics. But then I just really liked the entire song, so here it is.

Weight of Living, Pt II 
by Bastille

The weight of living [x4]

All that you desired, when you were a child
Was to be old, was to be old
Now that you are here, suddenly you fear
You've lost control (You've lost control)
Do you like the person you've become? Oh

Under the weight of living
You're under the weight of living
Under the weight of living
You are under the weight of living
The weight of living, the weight of living

It all crept up on you, in the night it got you
And plagued your mind, it plagues your mind
Every day that passes, faster than the last did
And you'll be old soon, you'll be old
Do you like the person you've become? Oh

Under the weight of living
You're under the weight of living
Under the weight of living
You are under the weight of living
The weight of living, the weight of living

(Tell yourself this is how it's going to be)
(Tell yourself this is how it's going to be)

Oh, tell yourself this is how it's going to be.
Oh, tell yourself this is how it's going to be, oh.

Under the weight of living
You're under the weight of living
Under the weight of living
You are under the weight of living
The weight of living, the weight of living
The weight of living, the weight of living

Saturday 11 January 2014

Louise Brealey

Louise Brealey is my new favourite person in the world. (She is the other half of this awesomeness:
aka Molly Hooper. And that was basically an excuse to post that gif again....)
But she really is awesome. I think she does a great job playing Molly. But then she also does this:
(re last tweet: she knows)

QOTD #65

65. Nike or Adidas?
I don't really wear either, but Adidas.
sorry not sorry

Friday 10 January 2014

More Sherlock (and kissing) *flat out SPOILERS*

This episode was honestly for the fandom, what with how they showed Anderson's theories on Sherlock faked his death.

Just an FYI...

If you send me mail, like real mail through Canada Post, you'd be my favourite person for a solid 24 hours.

*wink wink nudge nudge*

QOTD #63 & 64

63. First concert?
Um, I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure my first concert was The Cheetah Girls for my BFFLAAT's birthday party. Or it might have been High School Musical Live. I'm not sure which came first.

64. Wal-Mart, Target, or Kmart?
Well, I've been to Wal-Mart the most often but I probably like Target more. But only the US ones. None of this Canadian Target stuff. I mean, it's cool that they're in Canada now, but they don't carry the same products and prices, which is what I go to Target for. And isn't Kmart going down the drain?

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Okay so I rewatched the first Sherlock episode and I like it better now. But there is something that is making me absolutely lose it.

This. GIF. Is. Ruining. My. Life. Ohmifrickingosh I can't handle it. I have it open on my dash and it just keeps looping over and over and over and over and over. I'm breaking down. Because even if you don't watch Sherlock, you have to admit that this is the sexiest thing ever. The coat. The collar flip. The fricking hair ruffle. Those hands. I'm done. There's no hope for me. The worst is I'll go do something else and then I'll go back to my laptop and it will still be there playing over and over and it is ruining me. I've given up rejecting it. I have chosen to embrace it. And I'm still not handling it. 
Let me make it worse for you/me by adding some context:


I've found it!!! Somebody was trying to explain a book to me and I remembered reading it but I couldn't remember what it was called! It's Stolen by Lucy Christopher.
Although I'm pretty sure none of you were the one who was explaining it...
Here's the description:
"A girl: Gemma, sixteen, at the airport, on her way to a family vacation.
A guy: Ty, rugged, tan, too old, oddly familiar, eyes blue as ice.
She steps away. For just a second. He pays for her drink. And drugs it. They talk. Their hands touch. And before Gemma knows what''s happening, Ty takes her. Steals her away. To sand and heat. To emptiness and isolation. To nowhere. And expects her to love him.
Written as a letter from a victim to her captor, Stolen is Gemma''s desperate story of survival; of how she has to come to terms with her living nightmare-or die trying to fight it."

QOTD #62

So I was walking around campus today cause I had a bunch of things I had to do. I picked up "course work" for my GBDA 102 course. Basically I paid 16 bucks for 20 pages of stuff I could have found on the internet. I picked up my art tool kit, for my FINE 150 course, which is all about drawing and painting. I have to say, it was a bit like getting a present, even though I had to pay for it. There's a bunch of stuff in it including a sketchbook, paints, paintbrushes, big paper, a portfolio (!!!), pencils, charcoal, etc. They gave me a glue stick, which I thought was cute.
I was sitting in my room going through my new supplies when there was a pounding on the hall door, at the other end of the hall. I knew, from previous experience, that it was two of the girls from my* floor who didn't have their keys with them. I figured somebody else would let them in, so I ignored them. But after a couple minutes, nobody had let them in, so I made my way down the hall to let them in. I could see through the glass that they were giving up, one had even sat down. I open the door, and the one girl (who was still standing) has the nerve to say to me, and I quote, "Wholly f*ck, Heather, what took you so long?"
excuse me?
excuse me?
EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
So I asked, with obvious disgust in my voice, "Why don't you just take your keys with you?"
And the girl sitting down says, "No need to be sassy" while the standing girl says "Heather, it's only our second day back, we can't be expected to remember."
YES YOU CAN BE EXPECTED TO REMEMBER YOUR KEYS BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN LIVING HERE FOR 4 MONTHS with only a 2-3 week break. I just turned away and hoped for their own sake that they caught the door before it shut again. (Bittersweetly, they did catch it).

Now about Sherlock. **slight spoilers** I watched the two episodes that have aired in season 3 so far. I am not sure how I feel about the first episode. It was well done, obviously. But there were some things that I'm not sure I would've done had I been in charge. I don't want to give too much away, but Sherlock acts differently regarding some situations than I would've thought he would. And I'm still confused slightly about how some things went. I was watching it with my friend in her room. Her roommate would start talking sometimes and then people were dropping in, so it was an interrupted viewing. I want to watch it again so that I can watch it straight through and catch everything that Sherlock says. Cause he can talk fast. However, there were still lots of moments that I ABSOLUTELY LOVED. Ohmigosh there was this one scene that kept replaying in my head as I was trying to fall asleep last night. I can't even handle it. Episode 2, I LOVED. It was beautiful! It's about John getting married to Mary. It was so cute, but still had the "Sherlock" feel in it. And of course, Sherlock still finds a way to make deductions. One of the things I love so much about Sherlock (the tv show, not the character. I just realized this might be really confusing if I don't differentiate.) is the cinematography. The transitions between scenes are beautiful. The way they represent Sherlock (the character)'s thoughts on screen is so cool. AGH. After watching them, I went on tumblr for the first time in over a week. And it was just what I expected: everything Sherlock. The fandom has taken over. (That's why I didn't go on for a week, I didn't want anything to be spoiled). BUT THEN TUMBLR GOT TOO CLEVER and everybody's pointing things out and it's like, oh that's cool, I hadn't noticed that. But then people were pointing out foreshadowing and THERE IS A LOT OF FORESHADOWING AND THEY RUINED IT (it as in "something") FOR ME. I don't know if it's going to happen in episode 3, but you can be sure that it will happen eventually. I was reading the Sherlock Holmes books during december, but I had stopped before Sherlock "died" cause I didn't want anything to be ruined. Apparently there was more to be ruined than I had thought. I might keep reading them, since I know now. But yeah.

62. What do you wear to bed?
Right now, it's these really old Aeropostale pyjama pants and a Renison t-shirt.

*before typing 'my', I typed 'our', which is weird, cause that's like I'm writing to someone who is on my floor. But none of you are...

Fluoride (QOTD #61)

Is fluoride in the water the reason that tap water tastes different from filtered/bottled/fresh/natural water?

Also, I watched Sherlock, but more about that later when I've had time to absorb what I've seen.

61. Wear a bathrobe?
Nope. But if I had a nice one, maybe like Sherlock's, I would.

(I was shocked at how hard it was to find a good picture of hie bathrobe. I tried looking for a gif, so you could get an even better idea, but that didn't work out either...)

Monday 6 January 2014

QOTD #60

60. Wear slippers?
When I'm in residence, yes. I have these little bootie slippers. Now that I think about it, they actually belong to my mom. At least, they were given to her. She didn't seem to keen on them though, so I just kind of took them :) And there was a phase last winter where I would always wear my dad's slippers around the house when he wasn't around. And then I would try to continue wearing them once he got home, but he would steal them.

Sunday 5 January 2014

QOTD #59

59. Take a vitamin daily?
When I'm at home, I take this adult gummy vitamin thing. I'm not actually sure what it gives me, basic vitamins, I guess. But I don't when I'm away at school.


THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO KNOW HOW SHERLOCK FAKED HIS DEATH. AND. IT. IS. KILLING. ME. And the next episode comes out tomorrow and people will know even more and I will stILL BE SITTING HERE DYINGY BECAUSE I KNOW NOTHING. And since there are only three episodes I might as well say that I'm an entire season behind. There is no positive to my current situation. None, I tell you. Because I can't go on tumblr because tumblr should really be read "spoilers" because really what else do you find on there. Since I can't go on tumblr, I decided to go on Pinterest BUT THERE ARE PINERS PINNING TUMBLR POSTS WITH SPOILERS IN THEM OMG i'm done. i give up. theres no point anymore. i might as well go hide in my bedroom until i can go back to residence in which case I will watch the two episodes and then continue to hide in my room because my brain will shut down from all the feels and overwhelming awseomeness that is Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes. (Also, went to see The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug today with my friend Croissant and it was so good and I love Benedict Cumberbatch even more because his voice. That man has no bounds.)

J, this ^ is a good example of being a part of a fandom. It truly is a love/hate relationship with a lot pining and wishing about things that can't be.

moving on, now that I have that off my chest...

Started rereading The Fault in Our Stars today. Seriously, you all need to read it. I was going to reread it in December, but I needed to meet my Goodreads reading goal (which I did reach, 45 books thank you very much) and Goodreads doesn't let a reread count towards your reading goal. I'm so excited for the movie!!!

58. Ever have a deja-vu feeling?
Not one that is particularly sticking out to me. When I try to think back to a deja-vu moment I might of had, I think of dreams. Not any specific dream, but just dreams in general. I don't know if that is because you could dream about a situation you were in or vice versa?

Friday 3 January 2014

John Green

I think that John Green is an amazing author, and person in general. This was reinforced when I found these answers to questions on his webpage:

Q. Stephanie Meyer has said that her characters were real and that they decided where the plot would go. Is it like that for you?
A. So far as I can tell, if you say that, you’re saying one of two things:
1. I have this unconscious mind to which I have no access that can write books, and I just have to shut off my conscious mind and let my unconscious mind work.
2. A supernatural force came to me and whispered the words into my ear and I wrote them down.
Saying the second thing seems really presumptuous to me (like, saying that God wrote your book is a very, very bold thing to say). The first seems more plausible to me—I know that for many people the writing experience does not feel like it involves effort or consciousness—but for me that is not the case. I wrote the book. I was conscious of the fact that I was writing a book while I was writing it. I was conscious of the fact that I was using words to try to tell a story that would find life in your mind.
Q. Where do you get your ideas?
A. I don’t really know. If I had a better understanding of where my ideas came from, I would go there and acquire more ideas. I don’t tend to have big ideas, like, “A SCHOOL FOR WIZARDS!” or “VAMPIRES IN SUBURBIA!” My stories tend to start out with people: a child prodigy who hits the wall of his intellectual talents. A religious but not fundamentalist Muslim in the South. A young woman kept alive but uncured by a novel cancer treatment. These characters mix with questions that interest and/or haunt me: Why are we so interested in leaving a legacy? Can we construct meaning in a world that is so profoundly apathetic toward us? Is it possible to have a full life without having a long life? That’s where my books start, really. They begin at the intersection between people I’m imagining and questions that bug me.

Basically, John Green hates Twilight just as much as the rest of us :)

QOTD #56 & 57

56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
- vet (what little girl doesn't?)
- horseback rider
- singer
- astronaut
(the rest are more recent, but I was still considering them at one point...)
- pharmacist
- pharmacy technician
- graphic designer
- interior designer
- landscape artist
- architect
- computer coder of sorts
- secretary (I would still like to be a secretary. Not as my career, obviously, but that is something I'd like to try).

57. Do you believe in ghosts?

Wednesday 1 January 2014

QOTD #53, 54, 55

53. Is Christmas stressful?
It can be if you make it. I try not to get stressed out about getting people gifts and such.

54. Ever eat a pierogi?
Yup! I particularly like the cheese and bacon ones. And it has to be dipped in sour cream, or else I won't eat them. Also, I'm curious as to why they worded it as "pierogi" and not "pierogis" (or whatever the plural of pierogi is) because one pierogi is not enough for a meal. It would be more like a taste tester.

55. Favourite type of fruit pie?
HA. Well, are pumpkins a fruit? Yup, just googled it and it is. So then pumpkin pie!

Fun fact about "googling": Google is very careful never to use terms like "googling" and "googled" and instead uses "searching". Because that's what it is: searching. This is to avoid their name becoming the term used instead of the actual action. It's too late, a lot of people use "googled" and such. Other similar situations are: facial tissues being called Kleenex and plastic containers being called Tupperware. Xerox worked very hard to shift people away from calling photocopies "Xerox".

Happy New Year!

To ring in the new year, I thought it would be cool to create a 2013 in review. Because if I'm honest, it all feels like so long ago and I've probably forgotten half of it. So here is my 2013 in review:

- submitted university applications
- got my G2
- took guitar lessons
- got accepted to 3 universities
- got rejected by one university
- went on a cruise
- bought a new lens for my camera
- graduated high school with honours 
- worked at FCC for the summer
- got a laptop
- started university
- saw Justin Bieber's star in Stratford
- turned 18
- became obsessed with tumblr
- folded 87 paper cranes
- improved my guitar skills
- got a new phone
- surprised my BFFLAAT at the train station
- made 3 new friends (and other acquaintances)
- created a gif for the first time
- took my fangirling to a whole new level
- visited my BFFLAAT in Toronto
- saw Catching Fire in ULTRAVAX
- made my first ever animation
- decorated my house for christmas all by myself
- finished term 1 of year 1 of university
- made 14 glitter jars
- started spontaneous dancing
- travelled to Ottawa
- made 226 blog posts
- made 2.5 quilts
- read 45 books
- baked 1500+ cookies (at camp while I was working in the kitchen, and at home. Technically I didn't bake each cookie at camp myself, but it sure felt like it.)

I'm sure I've forgotten lots of things. But this is a lot!